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Everything posted by butterfish55

  1. Working just down the street from Brett's house today. Downpours and some bangers. No Stein today
  2. 75/70....feels awesome. Let's keep it going as long as possible! (Although it's probably just a few more hours)
  3. Hate closing the pool, but the pool company is closing it on 10/7. I use an electric heat pump...keeping it at around 75-76 for the kids to use. Will probably crank it up a bit higher tomorrow since it'll be so warm out. Solar panels on my roof pretty much cover the electric for the heater
  4. I pumped mine down to the bottom of the skimmer yesterday afternoon. It was high this morning, but not too bad. Would have been definitely overflowing if I didn't pump it down yesterday
  5. Mine gets closed mid-october. Even if I don't use it for the last month, I would rather look at a nice clean pool than cover for an extra month.
  6. And everyone in those hot stuffy classrooms is wearing a mask today. Not an ideal learning environment
  7. I've had solar on my house for close to ten years now. I think everyone should put it on their house, even if you don't have ideal Southern Exposure. The panels are so efficient now and the incentives are so good that even if it takes a couple extra years for them to turn a profit it will be worth it in the long run. Oh yes, and whatever you do, buy them outright, don't lease them
  8. Pretty gusty here now. We'll see if it continues to ramp up or if this is it.
  9. Jay at some point they will realize what they have and start sending you out for storm coverage. Pouring under this band right now. Wind has been picking up too.
  10. Me, Bob and Brett may avoid the flooding rains. Looks windy here though. I was a freshman at U. Miami for hurricane Andrew. I had just arrived 2 days before it hit. Wiped out the campus. Hard to describe the sound of the wind....Kind of like sitting right over the engine while a plane is taking off. Growing up in Taunton, Gloria and Bob are definitely memorable too.
  11. .38" at the WU site between me and Brett. Sometimes is welcomed
  12. 88/69.....pool water 85 Seeing some 70 DPs in the area on WU. The one closest to me is showing 75 dp, but TAN is showing 69 Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
  13. 85/68 Beautiful day.... Humid Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
  14. most stations over 2" so far round here. Will definitely see some totals over 4"after this next wave goes through
  15. Smoke isn't very noticeable down this way. Bright and sunny.....86/66. Some WU spots nearby showing 90 Worked in an attic this morning replacing 2 bathroom fans....That was pleasant.
  16. Mine is steaming like a hot tub right now. Haven't seen that before
  17. Turn turned into a way nicer day here than was expected. Fair amount of sun and blue skies to go with the clouds. Still super tropical 81/73
  18. yeah, been breaks of blue and actual sun here for the last hour or so. Hardly any measurable rain overnight in the Bridgewater triangle area. Very tropical though...76/73
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