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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. If it's gonna happen Cedar Rapids will be in on it.
  2. 93 at MLI and here today. Dews were up near 60 today so felt warmer than yesterday. Lots of bare yards around here from the void left from removing dead ash trees the past few years. The tree farm industry and tree removal companies making bank courtesy of the little bugs.
  3. Lately all I do is just click on the precip map total at day 10. Not much else to look at it anymore.
  4. I'm amazed at how well the corn still looks around here. It may be a bit behind in height, but it is still green and growing. This modern era frankencorn must have roots that go down 10 times deeper than normal corn, that's the only way it's getting any moisture for growth/life.
  5. Hit 93 at MLI, 91 here. Dews mixed down to near 50 so it actually feels cooler than the temp reading.
  6. ^ Looks like a monsoon compared to the past 30 days of Euro runs.
  7. Both MLI and here sit low in the Rock River valley so we usually end up a few degrees higher on sunny days. Also get several degrees colder on calm/clear nights.
  8. Today will be the 13th 90+ day at MLI. Looking ahead there may only be one day with sub 90 through the end of the month, so we should be at 21-22 days total by the end of June.
  9. Non-stop 90s for the foreseeable future now. Hope to get some rain in about 10 days. Hopefully another 0.06" soaker.
  10. Shutout cancel here, did manage to scrape up 0.06" from a micro cell. Up to 0.18" for June!!!
  11. As expected, 0.00" overnight/early this morning. Iowa complex crapped out right around the Mississippi River as modeled.
  12. How's the corn holding up in back? That corn on the left is sweet corn from neighbors garden. It's doing so so with help from lots of watering. The farm field behind and on the right has beans this year. Def growing slower than normal but at least it still mostly looks green, for now.
  13. This is what 0.24" of rain in the past 34 days looks like lol. Getting pretty fried looking out there. Just trying to keep these relatively newly planted trees (2020 & 2021) alive through this bad dry spell with plenty of watering.
  14. Luckily have become conditioned to prolonged boring periods of weather after the past few boring winters.
  15. Rain punted till day 10 again lol. Someday that day 10 rain will get here. Some day.
  16. Looks like widespread mid-upper 90s later next week and beyond. Likely will top 100 here later next week/next weekend. Any rain keeps getting put off till day 10 lol.
  17. Nice to see this thread in use again. Hope we don't have to wait over a month again to use it.
  18. Densest smoke/haze I've ever seen today. Not an ounce of blue sky even with zero clouds. Also dropping surface vis to 3-4 miles. Despite the thick smoke MLI made it to 93.
  19. Other than a cooler day tomorrow in the 80s, looks like non-stop 90s going forward. Probably some mid-upper 90s as well next week. Euro says it may rain next weekend.
  20. 10th 90+ day of the year today at MLI with 92. Good shot at 50+ 90 degree days this year.
  21. Wow that lake def makes a huge difference. Looks like 7-8 of the next 10 days will be AOA 90 here. Rackin' em up
  22. Have had 0.24" here since May 15th. Pretty much no rain in the last month now.
  23. Got a drought busting 0.10" overnight. Best rain in a month so I'll take it.
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