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Everything posted by CoraopolisWx

  1. Top 10 in the eastern region is really good, considering all the perennial powerhouses to contend with.
  2. Seems like it stuck to everything. Made for a surprisingly nice scene this morning.
  3. That freezing drizzle Saturday night put a nice crust on the pack, maybe it survives until the next cold stretch.
  4. From reading the other threads, you had to be close to Indiana for decent amounts. Most of the Ohio and WNY posters were disappointed.
  5. If nothing else, we now have a nice protective shell over the snowpack.
  6. Unfortunately those forecasts seem to be automatically generated based directly from model they use.
  7. No doubt, if we can squeeze out some heavy rates before the changeover, that would be a small victory. Would help keep the ice off the pavement for work tomorrow morning. Lol
  8. Won’t have to shut the blinds for this storm, because luckily being night they’ll already be shut. Lol
  9. With 50" in the books, I can almost laugh at the latest GFS snow totals. MAG over in Central PA mentioned this is more of a baroclinic track, were the system doesn't create it's own cold air. So what ever sets up in the beginning, is what the majority of the storm will produce.
  10. Was surprised to see nothing on the county twitter page. Usually they mention something.
  11. Taking a break from Monday night, we have some very slick conditions developing this evening. Glad they issued a WWA. This freezing drizzle is sometimes worse because it accrues more efficiently.
  12. Always nice to have the Euro on our side, although it seems this season, it's had larger run to run swings than in years past.
  13. No doubt it's gonna be close. How much surge the 850's make is the key. From what I've read on here, sometimes these highs aren't all built the same, with regards to how deep or shallow the below freezing column is.
  14. Just had to run a quick errand, and the roads are already snow packed. Definitely a quick starter tonight, may have caught folks off guard.
  15. Southside flats getting some love this morning. Good for them, usually they're a bit less than other locations.
  16. Oh yeah, roads have caved quickly. Unfortunately not all the cameras are working and or showing a live feed. SMH
  17. Lol. Yeah really. Although IMHO, our best pattern is no pattern. Meaning no major dominant features driving the atmosphere. The slightly negative AO/NAO has helped though in keeping the warm surges in check so far this winter.
  18. Wouldn't be surprised if headlines are needed overnight. The ground seems colder than expected, especially the sheltered hollows and ravines around the city. Roads could be slick in spots tonight.
  19. How much of that precip shield along the NY/Canada border survives into our region ? Definitely playing the long game here.
  20. A couple lake enhanced snow bands is not out of the question today and tonight. So my 8.7” call still has a chance to verify. Lol
  21. They didn't identify themselves, but they're 1 N Carnot-Moon. 5.7" Officially so far.
  22. Curious to see how far west the heavier bands make it today. Canadien had them in our area yesterday.
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