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About Ahoff

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Pittsburgh (in the City)

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  1. AGC has surged to 97 on a south wind, wow!
  2. At least 92. There’s a few 93 5 min obs.
  3. Think we’re getting there today. Noon temp is 89.
  4. Looks like we may have tied the 10am 88 temperature as well. I'd like to know what happened on July 24, 1989. How did the temperature jump more than 10 degrees from 8am to 9am, then drop 6 at least 6 degrees at 10 am? Considering the high that day was 94, and there was no rain, I don't see how that would happen. That has to be an error, right?
  5. 92 again today, second heat wave in the books, and looks like a third maybe Saturday-Tuesday.
  6. Yeah, there will be clouds, but 94 feels more likely today than yesterday, lol.
  7. Holy sh*t! 87 at 9am. We’re hitting 90 I think. Maybe that 94 is in play. Heat advisory may have been more appropriate today.
  8. Still around 80! If we have sun, it will get to 90+ again.
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