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About CoraopolisWx

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Pittsburgh PA 1250 ft ASL

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  1. Classic long duration snowstorm setup. Would be nice to get one or two of these this winter.
  2. Almost tropical like efficiency with this system. Probably will end up with 3-4” for the second week in a row.
  3. Based on records I could find, this could end up being the lowest two year snowfall total anyone alive today has ever experienced. (Anyone alive back in 1932 would likely have been very young)
  4. The Gfs for next Saturday is like a microcosm of this nino winter. The positive aspects are outweighed by the negative. This winter had plenty of SS vorts to provide moisture, unfortunately the tendency for NS vorts to stay north was amplified more so, preventing any phasing below our latitude. Hope this makes somewhat sense.
  5. IMHO, the 90's TWC graphics overall were sharper and less washed out than today.
  6. Bit of a melancholy anniversary, with how these last two winters have been. This storm is starting to feel the way November 1950 used to.
  7. Euro still interested in the 18th-19th time period. Op showing some fantasy snow.
  8. Euro is showing sufficient 700mb moisture tomorrow. So we could have a similar setup to the previous two lake enhanced events.
  9. To keep everything neat and tidy, I suggest we post in this thread only.
  10. Where's the page on the NWS site that has the years of each reporting location. It used to be with various records, but I can't find it now. Thanks
  11. We could use more of a wave for Wednesday night. Usually a straight up anafront doesn’t verify the guidance bullish snow amounts. Although next week a possible storm ala Christmas Eve 2020, has been showing up.
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