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Everything posted by donsutherland1

  1. The 9/6 Arctic sea ice extent figure on JAXA was 4,022,615 square kilometers. That was a decrease of 22,855 square kilometers from 9/5. It would represent the 2nd lowest minimum figure on record.
  2. 9/5 JAXA figure: 4,045,470 square kilometers, down 10,836 kilometers. This would be the second lowest minimum figure on record.
  3. 9/4 JAXA figure: 4,056,306 square kilometers. This was a slight increase from 9/3, but it is not likely the minimum for this year.
  4. Arctic sea ice extent falls to 2nd lowest on record... The 9/3 figure on JAXA was 4,054,179 square kilometers. That would ranks as the 2nd lowest minimum figure on record. Only 2007 (4,065,739 square kilometers) was lower. The 5-year average decline in sea ice extent from 9/3 would produce a minimum figure of 3,852,090 square kilometers. The minimum decline (2002-15) would result in a figure of 3,950,344 square kilometers. The maximum decline (2002-15) would result in a minimum figure of 3,647,151 square kilometers. A minimum extent under 4,000,000 square kilometers appears very likely (> 90%) and a figure just under 3,900,000 square kilometers appears possible.
  5. The 9/2 figure on JAXA was 4,090,129 square kilometers. That would rank as the 3rd lowest minimum figure on record. Only 2012 (3,177,455 square kilometers) and 2007 (4,065,739 square kilometers) were lower. The 5-year average decline in sea ice extent from 9/2 would produce a minimum figure of 3,875,040 square kilometers. The minimum decline (2002-15) would result in a figure of 4,000,554 square kilometers. The maximum decline (2002-15) would result in a minimum figure of 3,610,482 square kilometers. A minimum extent under 4,000,000 square kilometers appears very likely and a figure just under 3,900,000 square kilometers appears possible.
  6. The 9/1 figure on JAXA was 4,168,394 square kilometers. That would rank as the 3rd lowest minimum figure on record. Only 2012 (3,177,455 square kilometers) and 2007 (4,065,739 square kilometers) were lower. The 5-year average decline in sea ice extent from 9/1 would produce a minimum figure of 3,931,250 square kilometers. The minimum decline (2002-15) would result in a figure of 4,050,385 square kilometers. The maximum decline (2002-15) would result in a minimum figure of 3,663,584 square kilometers. A minimum extent under 4,000,000 square kilometers appears likely and a figure just under 3,900,000 square kilometers appears possible.
  7. The 8/31 figure on JAXA was 4,242,650 square kilometers. That would rank as the 3rd lowest minimum figure on record. Only 2012 (3,177,455 square kilometers) and 2007 (4,065,739 square kilometers) were lower. The 5-year average decline in sea ice extent from 8/31 would produce a minimum figure of 3,979,208 square kilometers. The minimum decline (2002-15) would result in a figure of 4,092,669 square kilometers. The maximum decline (2002-15) would result in a minimum figure of 3,740,828 square kilometers.
  8. That's the way it appears. That's why I still think there's a reasonable prospect that the minimum will be under 4 million square kilometers.
  9. Now that August is ending, a closer look at the Arctic sea ice extent figure is in order. The 8/30 figure (JAXA) was 4,302,421 square kilometers. If that were the minimum, it would rank as the 5th lowest on record. However, it is all but certainly not the minimum. A number of scenarios for the minimum figure: Smallest decline from 8/30 to the minimum (2002-15): 4,140,726 square kilometers (would rank 3rd lowest) Largest decline from 8/30 to the minimum (2002-15): 3,793,311 square kilometers (would rank 2nd lowest) Average decline from 8/30 to the minimum (2011-15): 4,007,579 square kilometers All said it appears very likely that 2016 will see the 2nd or 3rd lowest Arctic sea ice extent minimum on record. There remains a reasonable possibility of a minimum figure below 4 million square kilometers for only the 2nd time on record (JAXA). 2012 is currently the only such case.
  10. http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v5/n10/pdf/ngeo1580.pdf
  11. All the RATPAC data can be found here: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ratpac/
  12. At this time, I don't think there's strong reason to avoid using RATPAC. It will be interesting to see if RATPAC picks up on the El Niño's impact in the lower and middle troposphere before UAH (especially UAH v.6.0).
  13. Thanks for the kind words. There's no risk of such an outcome.
  14. But would UAH (especially 6.0) and RSS look different if the problem related to cloud-affected radiances were fixed, especially as the lower and middle tropospheric warming trend would be increased by an estimated 20%-30%?
  15. Although there are 7 satellites, don't each of the satellites depend on a microwave radiometer?
  16. Just because a data set requires more work to complete the product doesn't mean that it isn't reliable. The measure of reliability is whether it fits other measured data sets. RATPAC does. In stark contrast, the satellite estimates have been diverging from the measured data. That raises several questions: 1. How can the possible spurious cooling be explained? 2. What fixes will be applied to address that problem? 3. With regard to UAH v.6.0, which has a linear cooling trend relative to v.5.6 (in addition to the surface data sets) with a very high coefficient of correlation, where is the peer-reviewed paper to address that possible issue and lay out the adjustments? The paper to which I provided a link addresses one of the problems related to such cooling (and the difference in temperatures is large). The proposed fix in the paper has not been applied to the satellite data sets (or at least no papers or web searches indicated such a fix was being made). It's been 3 1/2 months since v.6.0 has been released and no paper has been submitted for peer review. Why? Usually papers precede methodology changes, not the other way around, so that the proposed changes are reviewed in a robust fashion before being implemented. In sum, the data divergence and unaddressed issues (including the brightness issue found in the paper) argue that perhaps there is greater reason to question the satellite-derived estimates than RATPAC. Given the above, IMO, the satellites are part of the mix. Issues exist and improvements are almost certainly necessary given those issues. At this point in time, I don't believe one can say that the satellites are qualitatively superior to RATPAC, much less the surface data sets.
  17. This is a key point. On a year-to-year basis, there might be some differences (though at least this year, the data closely fits the surface data sets). Over timeframes of 10 years or longer, RATPAC has closely matched the surface data sets. IMO, the issue of possible spurious cooling on the satellite data sets, all of which require very complex calculations to try to account for factors such as diurnal drift, among others, is something that likely requires a closer examination, especially as satellites do not directly measure temperatures. That the satellite data has diverged from actual measurements (surface + RATPAC) suggests at least an examination of that issue is warranted. In fact, the accuracy of the present approach to satellite temperature estimates has already been raised in at least one academic paper with at least one major fix suggested: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2014/nov/07/new-study-disputes-satellite-temperature-estimates http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00382-013-1958-7
  18. Its resolution notwithstanding, it has provided surface trends that are representative of those on the major surface data sets.
  19. The latest CFSv2 ENSO forecast is indicating that the ENSO Region 1+2 anomaly will be at or above +1.00°C throughout meteorological winter (December-February). It is also indicating this region's anomaly should have peaked, will fall, and then again increase. A secondary peak is actually not uncommon during strong or super El Niño events.The 1972-73, 1982-83, and 1997-98 events all had secondary peaks in this region. The 1997-98 event had a tertiary peak. Since 1950, only three meteorological winters saw 2 or more months have Region 1+2 anomalies of +1.00°C or above: 1972-73, 1982-83, and 1997-98. The latter two featured all three months with such anomalies. Given the modeling, it is very likely that August will have a Region 1+2 anomaly of at least +1.00°C. Since 1950, such anomalies have occurred in 1951, 1957, 1965, 1972, 1976, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1997, 1998, 2008, 2009, and 2014. However, only 3 of those 13 cases met the threshold being signaled on the CFSv2. By October, ENSO Region 1+2 anomalies of +1.5°C or above, filtered out almost all of those cases, leaving only 1972, 1982, 1987, and 1997. Hence, by October, we should have a strong signal as to whether this current CFSv2 forecast has a reasonable chance of verifying. In November, using the same anomaly threshold as October, only 1972, 1982, and 1997 remained. Such anomalies during meteorological winter would have implications for North American temperature anomalies and possibly snowfall along the East Coast. Should the strong PDO+ persist, the PNA+ could also predominate (1982-83 and 1997-98) leading to another warmer than normal winter in the Pacific Northwest. All of that is still far out, but the scenario currently shown on the CFSv2 would typically favor warmth across much of North America. In the more immediate future, one has typically seen El Niño events with Region 1+2 anomalies at or above +1.00°C produce cool anomalies in large parts of the East in August. Summer 2009 was an exception. Warmth has sometimes occurred in the Pacific Northwest and western half of the U.S. In the end, it's still too soon to be sure about the upcoming winter. But if the CFSv2 is right, a cool autumn could yield to a warmer to much warmer than normal December across a wide swath of the U.S. Given where things stand, one should be aware of this possible scenario, but not yet lock it in. Much can still change in Region 1+2. FOLLOW THE LATEST...
  20. If one takes a look at the overnight 1/16 0z and 6z operational GFS runs, one finds both are very cold in the days 7-15 timeframe. Both also feature a strong EPO-. Both also contain a number of analog dates near moderate or larger snowstorms for some parts of the eastern half of North America. But if one looks more closely, there is actually a rather dramatic change between the 0z and 6z runs. The latter shows the development of meaningful Atlantic blocking to coincide with the strong EPO-. Indeed, if one goes to the 11-day objective analogs from each of these runs, one finds the following: 0z Run: Average AO: +0.125 AO > 0: 60% of analogs AO of -1 or below: 30% of analogs AO of +1 or above: 20% of analogs 6z Run: Average AO: -1.128 AO < 0: 80% of analogs AO of -1 or below: 70% of analogs AO of +1 or above 10% of analogs If one checks out the GFS ensemble forecast for the AO, one also finds that the many members are now favoring a negative AO in the extended range: If this forecast verifies and dual Atlantic and Pacific blocking develop, that would increase prospects for a cold February in the eastern third to half of the CONUS, along with southern Ontario and Quebec. The latter cold anomalies would depend on the magnitude of blocking. If the blocking becomes too strong, then the cold anomalies could be driven southward. Such dual blocking would also allow for potentially more opportunities for larger snowfalls. The Great Lakes region, northern Mid-Atlantic (e.g., Philadelphia) and southern New England areas remain on track for above normal seasonal snowfall, as the December outcomes were consistent with such seasons. The pattern ahead looks promising, particularly for the 1/25-2/15 period. If blocking develops, things could also become more favorable further south in the Mid-Atlantic region, including the Baltimore and Washington, DC areas. The takeaway is that the theme of a growing probability of a cold outcome in parts of the eastern CONUS has been sustained in the overnight guidance. In fact, even as it is still outside its skillful range, the CFSv2 has recently shifted from featuring widespread February warmth to an increasingly colder idea for the eastern third to half of North America.
  21. He also wrote: The annual U.S. average temperature was 0.3°F above the 20th century average, ranking as the 37th warmest year in the 119-year record. It was the coolest year since 2009. His reference to "warm" probably concerned the ranking. A headline that read "near normal" or "somewhat warmer than normal" might have been more representative of the actual nationwide anomaly.
  22. When it comes to discussing my longer-range thoughts that I do during the winter, climate is important in helping shape those ideas. Adjusting the raw analogs for the way things are today is necessary. Mentioning that I'm making adjustments is also important, so that one knows that I'm not expecting, let's say, the same kind of extremes one witnessed in a 1977-style Arctic outbreak if one of the relevant analogs comes from that outbreak. A 1970s pattern won't necessarily produce the same exact outcome as it did then, as the climate context is different. As a result, statistical probabilities have also changed. Having said that, I do try to keep more technical explanations for the changed climate (largely AGW) to the climate forum to the extent that I can.
  23. Long-Lived Winter of 2012-13 Nearing its End... After a record-setting February-March in terms of snowfall in parts of New England, a February KU blizzard, a near KU snowstorm in early March, and a historic Palm Sunday snowstorm across Missouri and parts of Illinois, the winter season is now coming to a close. In large part, the revival of winter and then its long-duration in parts of North America was the result of a blocking regime that has now lasted 52 days. That exceptional blocking regime brought the AO below -5.000 for the first time on record after mid-March. Moreover, through today, the AO has averaged -3.173 for March and a figure below -3.000 is extremely likely when the month ends in two more days. That will surpass the current March record of -2.858 from 1958. Since 1950, there have been only two years during which the March AO averaged -2.500 (1958 and 1962) or lower and only 5 on which it averaged -2.000 or lower (1957, 1958, 1962, 1970, and 1984). The general consensus of the pattern evolution from those years is that April witnessed a break in the cold pattern, with most of those years favoring warmer readings for the second half of the month in large parts where cool anomalies had begun the month. All said, that pattern evolution supports the idea coming out in the teleconnection analogs of a dramatic pattern change that will likely see the second half of April wind up warmer than normal in much of the area currently enjoying generally colder than normal readings. It appears that the second week of April could witness the start of that transition. Before then, winter may launch a last-ditch bid to carve its legacy into the memories of those who experienced some of its highlights. The possibility for at least some accumulation of snow exists in such cities as Chicago, Cleveland, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Worcester, and perhaps even Boston. A small chance exists for at least some snowflakes in parts of Pennsylvania eastward to New York City, though that's not assured. An increasingly rare April freeze is also a possibility in New York City. The last time there was a freeze in April there occurred in 2007. In sum, Spring 2013 appears likely to begin to take hold in the extended range.
  24. The AO is forecast to drop to between -4 and -3 around the 3/20-24 timeframe, while the PNA is forecast to go weakly negative. The 500 mb anomalies associated with those teleconnections for the second half of March is shown below: In terms of winter weather threats, there were 6 years that saw such an AO-PNA combination since 1950. 50% saw at least some measurable snow in Boston and New York City in the period running from 5 days before to 5 days after that combination; 33% saw some measurable snow in Philadelphia; and, 17% saw some measurable snow in Washington, DC. There was one KU snowstorm during those years (the March 1958 storm). In short, even as climatology becomes increasingly tilted against snow in the Mid-Atlantic and New England areas, the kind of pattern forecast on the ensembles suggests higher than climatological potential for at least some snowfall. Favored regions would be the northern Mid-Atlantic and New England areas. That's not anything close to a certainty, but at least there's some potential on the table. One can't say that for most years and it is a marked contrast from last March when the "summer in March" episode lay just ahead.
  25. Some thoughts on the possible 3/5-7/2013 storm... 1. The strong blocking that has been in place since the start of the month has strenghtened further overnight. The AO is now -3.470. The current blocking regime has now lasted 27 consecutive days. 2. The computer guidance is in strong agreement that interior portions of the Mid-Atlantic region will likely pick up a significant snowfall. Baltimore and Washington, DC could also pick up 4" or more. Some of the guidance is more aggressive with snowfall amounts for Washington, DC and Baltimore. The heaviest snows, where one-foot or larger amounts could occur will likely cover western/central Virginia and western Maryland. Such cities as Charlottesville, Sterling, and Frederick could be in the area where some of the heaviest snow falls. The NAM brings a foot of snow to Washington, DC (DCA). Since 1840, there have been four storms that brought 10" or more snow to Washington, DC in March: March 16-17, 1843: 12.0" March 27-28, 1891: 12.0" March 7-8, 1941: 10.7" March 29, 1942: 11.5" 3. There is major disagreement on the computer guidance as to whether appreciable or even significant snows could extend from the northern Mid-Atlantic region into New England. The ECMWF has consistently argued against such an outcome. The GFS has argued for such an outcome in its last three runs in a dramatic switch that is almost reminscent of its taking the lead on what turned out to the be the Boxing Day Blizzard of December 2010. The pattern is sufficiently complex and the pieces sufficiently close that either the ECMWF or GFS could score a dramatic coup or a dramatic bust. Climatology would argue for a more northward extent of the precipitation. Not all of the precipitation would fall as snow, along coastal regions. At the same time, historic experience with storms that dumped 4" or more snow in Washington, DC (DCA) in March with an AO-/PNA+ setup would support the ECMWF. Since 1950, there have been 5 such cases: March 5-7, 1962: DCA: 4.0" (much heavier amounts farther west); NYC: 0.2"; BOS: 0.4" March 30-31, 1964: DCA: 5.8"; NYC: None; BOS: None March 3, 1978: DCA: 4.1"; NYC: 5.0"; BOS: 9.2" March 1-2, 1980: DCA: 4.9"; NYC: None; BOS: None March 9, 1999: DCA: 8.4"; NYC: None; BOS: None In terms of the blockbuster Washington, DC storms cited earlier, only the March 1843 and March 1941 storms brought significant snow to New York City and Boston. Hence, at least at this point in time, I lean toward a scenario somewhat closer to the ECMWF when it comes to the northern Mid-Atlantic and New England, but with not quite as sharp a cutoff and 6" or greater snows extending into metro Washington, DC. The possibility of at least some accumulation of snow in the northern Mid-Atlantic and southern New England areas exists. There remains a smaller chance (probably about 1-in-3) that a 6z GFS-type solution works out.
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