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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Took advantage of this unseasonable weather today to clean up my gardens. And with the recent rain yesterday was able to split some Liriope and transplant. Filled up the cats cable aka bird feeder and drug the Christmas tree to the curb for pick up. Decided to leave the deck slider open and it is a full on HBO fest for the cats.
  2. What a nice March day. 55/55 currently.
  3. As long as it stays away from Jan 26th and around that date.
  4. 9:21 am 34 wind slamming into the back of the house
  5. 36 out with .63” of rain. Was out taking the oldest Miss J to the dentist and buying liquor for Mr. J’s holiday gift. It is not nice at all. Pouring cold rain and holiday traffic. At home with a nice Chi Latte and blanket.
  6. And just like that we have our first big fat flakes of Winter.
  7. Ok got some info. Yes it is because of the NE part of the county which is the mountain area of FredCo. Reports of icy roads and even a roll over in Thurmont. So the closure makes sense.
  8. Well ok then. FCPS closed after re evaluation. Not sure what is going on or projected to in the Northern half of the county. But I suspect that it being the last day before winter break they gave the kids and teachers an extra day. Looks like I have a whole Texas sheet cake home to eat as the younger Miss J was supposed to have a party in her Large Animal Pre-Vet class today.
  9. Sitting at 32 here. FCPS on a 2 hr delay. It is the last day before break so I am fine with letting the kids sleep in. Have not really seen any precipitation here.
  10. Glad it was not as bad as it could have been and that you are both ok. And kids using the appropriate phrase that they assign to an event in the moment is always ok in my book. Then again I am one of those parents that used to have a swear jar when they were younger so it just does not phase me anymore.
  11. So rain amount for overall event was 2.37"
  12. 33 with 1.46” and a steady rain. So glad we stayed above temp wise. Would have been an absolute mess had we not.
  13. Just dropped the kid at school. And ram to the market for a few things. Just a very cold raw rain here in SW FredCo.
  14. Still sitting at 32 with .68” and steady rain. In the light just a light glaze on trees. Everything lease just looks wet. Reading the FCPSMD social media has been a morning popcorn session. Mind you we have a lot of our teachers that live outside the county so the sub list could be interesting.
  15. Yep just got the text. Will be interesting on the FCPSMD social media accounts
  16. Good morning here is a FredCo report. 32/31 .48” Cannot determine ice accretion yet in the dark. Just heard WasCo schools closed and woke to a change to an Ice Storm warning from a WWA. Have a feeling with this next batch of heavy rain coming through FCPSMD will be following suite to WCPS.
  17. Actually Wes is a big softy. Millie is the cantankerous one. Small but she is the boss lady!
  18. Well that is how long I decided to ignore there begging with a pillow over my head
  19. 35/21 here in SW FredCo. Kid will get to sleep in but I am sure I will be mauled by the cats to eat at 6:30.
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