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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Just hit 70 here. Had to take the cat to school for the PreVet class and it is beautiful out!
  2. 41 here. If any sign of warmer temps the birds are all talking early in the morning.
  3. 41 with light sleet over here in Frederick Co.
  4. Thanks for this. E'ring on the side of caution as I would have been pulling a 1200lb. horse by himself, so would have had an unbalanced load, total 6500 load across 340 we decided that it was just not worth it. My friend who's truck and trailer I would have been using told me that over in Lovettesville their new EV truck was getting blown around so made the right decision. My daughter is going to reschedule and did a 180 to have me gather up tack and riding clothing for her to present with a last minute slide show.
  5. Ok have some questions about today's weather and I think this is the best place to ask. This week is FFA week at the youngest Miss J's school. I am supposed to be trailering over the horse she is riding from Lovettesville, VA this afternoon for a presentation at 2:30 here in SW Frederick Co. Have gotten the Wind advisory update and have heard about possible storms. I am trying to decide if I will be good to trailer over for the presentation or will I be dealing with gusty winds and storms in that time frame.
  6. It is insane! When the amount came through US on her card I was surprised it was so cheep. For 2! It is such a wonderful experience for these kids. She is in England till the end of May. She is having an amazing time!
  7. Ok I may be a little bit jealous. The older Ms. J has been in England now for about 3 weeks. Today she just booked her travel break destinations. Flight from London to Berlin, train from Berlin to Amsterdam, then flight from Amsterdam to London. She gets 10 days and one of her classmates is going with her. And let me say her ticket for her flight, which she was able to book as a round trip for 2 adults, was way cheaper than even a single adult ticket here. And they found out their train tickets are discounted as they are under age 27.
  8. Have the kid out riding today 58 currently just south of Lovettesville. We are so used to this time of year no riding at all due to frozen ground. Or finding an indoor which is just out of the elements but still an ice box. Also when crossing the Potomac at Brunswick the trees right along the bank are fully budding. And the cottonwood was flying.
  9. Just dropped the older Ms J off at Dulles. Starting her adventure of a semester abroad in England.
  10. Have some dandruff flying over her in Frederick.
  11. Those kinds of temps are scary with kids. My youngest went through that back in the fall. She is 16 but at your daughters age it just zaps them down. Hope she is feeling better. And hope you are doing ok. Hugs
  12. Just listened to this. I used to be a die hard College Football fan. Then watched the documentary on the concussion cover up and have not watched another game since.
  13. Line to my SW. taking bets with my oldest on it splitting and reforming to the E of our house. It is a regular occurrence.
  14. Took advantage of this unseasonable weather today to clean up my gardens. And with the recent rain yesterday was able to split some Liriope and transplant. Filled up the cats cable aka bird feeder and drug the Christmas tree to the curb for pick up. Decided to leave the deck slider open and it is a full on HBO fest for the cats.
  15. What a nice March day. 55/55 currently.
  16. As long as it stays away from Jan 26th and around that date.
  17. 9:21 am 34 wind slamming into the back of the house
  18. 36 out with .63” of rain. Was out taking the oldest Miss J to the dentist and buying liquor for Mr. J’s holiday gift. It is not nice at all. Pouring cold rain and holiday traffic. At home with a nice Chi Latte and blanket.
  19. And just like that we have our first big fat flakes of Winter.
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