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Everything posted by frd

  1. Wow, like the heat index is 89 here and the PWATs for this day are close to if not at a record already, nuts !!!
  2. YES PLEASE !!!!!!! I love it , the new seasonal UKMET , supports the Euro , yet it is colder and the above normal precip along the East Coast is there . Kattie Bar the Door, ( Herb Clarke ) anyone remember him , well, then if you do you are old like me..... , Ha ha ( J/K ) https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/climate/seasonal-to-decadal/gpc-outlooks/ens-mean
  3. Question - when was the last time we had the Euro and the UKMET on our side for snow and cold for a winter's seasonal forecast? I frankly can't recall.
  4. @bluewave This was a very interesting read , do you feel there will be a winter correlation here ( East Coast ) as in high scale winter events on the East Coast ? And do you think blocking episodes in the AO domain will be greater this winter becasue of the things mentioned iin the article . Thanks I already see some indications the the PV is elongating and might be prone to influences from the Pac and the Atlantic , thoughts ?
  5. I have not seen this in a while for early October in Alaska , crazy stuff all around , low sea ice and a lack of snow cover in that region .
  6. I have seen some on the web mention Michael and the Opal 1995 redux , but that was Nina not Nino . Then I hear the progression from early Oct warmth to cooler just like in 2002. Certainly seems like things are changing on many fronts now, but what the final outcome is is for the upcoming winter is still hard to determine.
  7. Interesting flip coming up similiar to 2002 to a degree. Also, an Opal redux aka 1995 :-) disclaimer : nothing implied here just mentioning
  8. No surprises here but ........ wonder about the future here: Persist or switch - This is like the Holy Grail........................ A met who can devise a way to predict the average Winter state would be a golden On a side note, a lot of changes coming up with the SSTs in this region, but the real driver is still not known, at least not enough to make an accurate long term forecast
  9. Maybe the cold front coming late week ,plus the tropical system changes all that . Plus, we are due again for flooding .
  10. Blizzard warnings at the beach 2 out of the the last 4 winters beating the inland areas I believe . Incredible really, and very surreal images there. Your photos I still recall in my mind .
  11. Well, two things for certain .............................March is the new December, and Dewey Beach is the new Boston :-)
  12. Did you see the latest Euro seasonal , looks sweet. I think that is three months in a row and last year in it's October release it did rather well with it's seasonal forecast per Ed Valle .
  13. The Euro Winter forecasts continues it's positive streak to three months with the latest release : YES Please :-)
  14. https://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/1997/fs113-97/ I thought the many years form 1992 to 1995 without - AO contributions was due mostly to the incredible eruption of Mount Pinatuba. It made the strat an icebox and lingered for years. I thought this time period should be used cautiously as any analogs for future winters.
  15. You stil feel that the stronger the El Nino , granted it is West based / Modaki , the more it could benefit my region , the Mid Atlantic ? Also, have you done any research about the type of El Nino and the correlation the the NAO domain? Through the years so many NAO formulas by others have not worked out. However, I remember you mentioing Tom ( Isotherm) has fairly good skill in this area, looking forward to his thoughts as well as your Winter forecast later on.
  16. Looking at that Euro forecast graph it would appear it takes off rather quickly from here, most of the forecasted rise is closer to the present versus later. Does that mean the forecast is more accurate, not sure. Ray, is that forecast bordering on moderate now ?
  17. Nice way to look at things in a almost a Zen-like manner :-) In many lean years 2005 would indeed be great in comparison
  18. It has certainly has been being making some significant moves the last 60 days. 2018 -19.02 -19.37 -19.77 -21.41 -24.23 -28.45 -29.10 -20.41 -9.91 -999.00 -999.00 -999.00
  19. Agree, yuck !! Yoda do you know when the Euro seasonal is released again ? I thought it was today ?
  20. Did you see that modeled storm in Eastern Canada from the GFS, crazy forecast but then again maybe not. Could be the start of the change.
  21. Thats all true and interesting as well. As for the turn to wetter here , that seems off into the future a bit . My daughter in Denver might see snow soon. Pretty wet out West and in Cali rain , wow
  22. Seems HM thinks we should not use the later 70's or the 94-95 one , I believe one one reason for not using the 70's is he feels we are not in that regime and for the 94 one too close to the volcanic eruption and other factors he mentions below. Hey I am totally fine with using 09-10 though per uncle W :-)
  23. And even storms predicted to stay South still came North and nailed NYC ( maybe one exception 09-10 ) and lets not forget all the recent thundersnow - crazy times. You guys have done very well .
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