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Tyler Penland

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Everything posted by Tyler Penland

  1. Down 10 degrees on the TN line in the last hour at Elk Park. Let winter finally begin.
  2. Sunburst and lower graveyard falls were looking rather spiffy the other day. Also visited courthouse falls just up the road but that one has more rhododendron around it than anything.
  3. Here's a few. Sunrise from rough Ridge, a couple shots from Mitchell and Crabtree the other evening. The colors around banner elk today are fantastic. 194 between banner elk and Valle crucis is absolutely stunning.
  4. Just getting some edits done from Wednesday. Here's a neat shot. The skyline of Charlotte from Mt Mitchell. Takes very dry/clean/cool air to make it naked eye visible during the day. Around 90 miles or so. This was taken at my max of 200mm.
  5. Dang. Im gonna have to head up there soon. Babel Tower will be really nice next week I bet. Hopefully the winds don't strip the upper rim this weekend.
  6. Currently 34 and windy but the color is gorgeous from the black mountain crest. Next stop graveyard fields.
  7. Drove the parkway from Grandfather to Crabtree today and it's really looking pretty good. The area around Linville is the best right now (I think the gorge will be a great spot this year) but elsewhere it's spotty. Still a lot of green left and with the recent rain/cool weather there's some great potential in the 2000-3500ft range. Planning to hit sunrise on Grandfather somewhere tomorrow morning and then head down towards Graveyard fields during the afternoon. Hoping the wind isn't too terrible.
  8. Worth noting the 3km NAM actually shows some flurries on Thursday morning in the high elevations. Tries to get them down into Boone even.
  9. 36 at the house this morning with a solid frost. Car showed a chilly 33 coming through Banner Elk on the way to work this morning. Loving it. Just seen Boone recorded 32 this morning.
  10. Color about 2-3 weeks behind on the upper reaches of Grandfather. Coming along nicely and actually looks pretty good so far.
  11. Just came over grandfather on the way home from work to check it out. Color is coming along really nicely on the ridges between Beacon Heights and the Viaduct. Fairly vibrant at that. Rough Ridge as well. Otherwise very early stages at road level still. I'm hopefully heading up Cragway tomorrow since they've reopened it. Color looks great up there from what little you can see from the road. Here's a crappy phone pic from the Beacon Heights parking lot. Still lots of low clouds on that side.
  12. So far I've seen some spotty areas that look really good from my photo friends on FB. I'm hoping to hike up the Boone fork bowl on Grandfather this Friday. That area has been good even when everything else sucks.
  13. Well it's about time. 49 in the best CAD areas around Rough Ridge. Barely any leaf change now the dead ones have all been knocked down but plenty left to change. Here's hoping for some rain to get the stream levels back up a bit.
  14. Was up on the Parkway over grandfather today (shot sunset out at Flat Rock) and still plenty of green so that's a plus. The ridges are running about 2 weeks behind average best I can tell but some decent color showing in the Boone fork area. All limited to the normal early change areas above 5kft though. Very little down at road level just yet.
  15. That photo is a little misleading imo. I'm in Boone and other than the occasional bright orange most of them are dull yellow. 3rd straight crappy foilage season coming I believe. A little rain could help salvage the rest but a lot of dead stuff already.
  16. Is it too early for this? Probably. But dang it's hot and I wanna talk about colder weather. Seen a few runs of the GFS/GEFS advertising maybe a break from the heat heading towards the end of the month. A LOT more leaf change already up here around the Boone/Banner Elk than I would expect given the recent heat. Hoping that's not setting us up for another less-than-stellar fall leaf season.
  17. Temps have been nice but I'm ready for some sun to come back.
  18. Headed to Florida in a couple weeks for my honeymoon. Of course Dorian has to show up.
  19. Not to complain, particularly since we're not very far removed from the 2016 wildfire season, but holy cow I'm ready for a good dry stretch. Also we made it down to 49 here at the house. It was 45 over on the elk river early last Thursday morning. Nice change from the heat.
  20. You were just late. They were absolutely spectacular early last week. The whole season has been 7-10 days early so far. Photo conditions have been pretty terrible overall as well with the Canadian Wildfire smoke, stupid hazy vista's and then the flood.
  21. The blooms have been gorgeous this year but the haze and clouds have been a problem for photography in the northern half of NC. Got this shot of a flame azalea yesterday evening on Roan. I'll share a few more when I get around to editing them all.
  22. This is probably the only time of year I'm ok with warm and dry. The rhododendrons and other wildflowers have been great so far and no rain to beat them down. Did see quite a few blooms welted a bit from the heat yesterday though.
  23. Just had the most bizarre thing ever: a hail shower. No rain in it, just pea to nickel sized hail.
  24. I'm sitting in chillis and was arguing with my fiance that it was snow not rain. Thanks for the confirmation.
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