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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. Maybe today will work out. Who knows...all I know is NO MORE convective threads after this...none...zilch. Not happening ever again
  2. Might have to get dressed and go to the airport in a few. Hope it at least strengthens more
  3. maybe this was just typical HRRR warm sector supercell fake BS. I thought though there was a nice s/w rotating through today to help with forcing/lift and being timed with late afternoon and early evening. Frustrating and maddening...insanely maddening and frustrating.
  4. This is fooking bullshit. This summer is the biggest POS you can ever ask for or image. And I don't want to hear anymore BS garbage about this being New England or the Northeast b/c that's exactly what that is...BS. Yes, we aren't the God damn Plains...no fooking shit. Nobody said we were. Just b/c severe gets mentioned in the Northeast DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE SUPPOSED TO OR WILL BE GETTING A SEVERE WEATHER OUTBREAK. THAT'S NOT WHAT THAT MEANS. It also doesn't mean everyone is going to see trees down in their backyards. This has nothing to do with being in the Northeast...it has to do with other crap and garbage...LIKE WTF IS GOING ON? ARE YOU SHITTING ME? We can't get shit in this environment...big fooking deal lapse rates suck. Perhaps lack of stronger forcing? We have instability...plenty...more thna sufficient...shear looks solid...SO WTF???? Maybe its just models suck and are garbage...perhaps lack of flights/data for models to ingest? Nice line to the southwest though...WTF do they have that we don't? Sure isn't forcing. Like look at the radar...one fooking stupid cell over southwest CT producing lightning...BIG fooking deal. Then some blob of stupid rain "ohhhh yay my garden will get water" screw the gardens...if it needs water piss in it. Screw lawns too. Who cares about lawns May as well just say fook tomorrow too...we'll have clouds...lots of clouds and the all so common fooking shitty lapse rates. Shear...screw it...we'll just call it garbage. Just let the damn front move through and forward us to winter. Fook the rest of summer, fook fall, just forget it.
  5. the 20z HRRR went poop lol. Significant change from previous runs
  6. 2 days in a row with no covid-related deaths in CT!
  7. one thing to keep in mind too is storm motion with respect to flow. generally W to E storm motion and you have like S to SE sfc winds.
  8. Looks like the best combination of ingredients happens between 6-9 PM...which is a bit later than we usually see. Let's hope we don't start popping things by 3-4 PM.
  9. I wish I could be tied to a weather balloon and launched into the air so I could experience all this wind shear going on
  10. hoping not that early. I have a zoom meeting at 4 (but I'll be in Windsor Locks). hope this meeting is short ughhhhhh
  11. I think things are coming along very well...if not even better for CT. Despite some of the clouds around there is significant clearing/breaks and 70's dews are racing northward. Also looks like shear may end up being a bit stronger than modeled too. Really need to watch between 5-8 for some discrete supercells
  12. Going to have excellent clearing...already happening!!!! We're going to bake...bake me like a cake!!!!
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