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Everything posted by Sn0waddict

  1. The euro still owes me a few feet of snow from Juno. Shift this a little west and lock it up for 200+ hours. Thank you.
  2. Rain was pretty impressive in that band. The wind on the other hand was practically non existent. Which I don’t mind lol
  3. Wow here comes the rain. Hope this doesn’t sit over us for too long.
  4. Call me crazy, but I am most “excited” to see how high the temps get. It’s currently 70F in cape hatteras at midnight lol bring on the one day torch. Then hopefully some snow on Christmas Eve..
  5. Man all our posters from Washington County Maine are going to be furious if you bust!
  6. Flakes just starting to fly in Orange, CT 30/14
  7. Sleet line has moved north of philly and is now going through Trenton. Curious to see if it slows down/washes out a bit. HRRR has it pretty much stalling right in that area for a few hours before rapidly moving north again. 31/12 and overcast here
  8. Welp, was expecting a slight increase from the less than 1 inch, but now it’s 6-8? Huh alrighty then.
  9. Curious us to see if Upton ups their totals as well. They are currently forecasting less than one inch for HVN which seems a little ridiculous to me. 2-4 seems more reasonable.
  10. WWA here for 1-3 inches. Eh can’t complain for this time of year. Definitely a storm for the inland areas, some places could easily collect 6+ in CT.
  11. Better than the previous run for sure though. It actually tries to bring in backside snow too, especially in NW NJ and the Hudson valley. Not sure I would put much faith in it, but something to watch at least.
  12. Looks better to me... keeps snow around longer.
  13. You would be shocked if you get 1 inch is snow? Don’t see how that’s unreasonable at all.
  14. Can confirm there was some hail with this storm when it came through. Was rather surprised lol
  15. Woke up to a banging sound coming from the outside, I look outside and it’s actually hailing. Certainly wasn’t expecting that..
  16. Fine by me, my vegetables appreciate it. 46F at the moment.
  17. The fv3 gfs is literally doing a full loop off the coast of Va/Nc lol that would be something
  18. Thankfully the Carolinas have a much better infrastructure than PR.. their power grid was practically held together by rubber bands and duct tape prior to Maria. Though if the south trends continue this could suddenly become a Florida problem.
  19. Rockin and Rollin here, lightning every few seconds. Not bad!
  20. Can’t wait to one day tell my grandkids about the great dew point summer of 2018
  21. Ugh thanks yes Tuesday my bad. The sooner the dews are gone the happier I am lol hoping for a good storm when that happens too!
  22. No chance of anything decent Wednesday? 3k NAM looks to bring a decent line through associated with a cold front.
  23. 85/74 here. Envious of those who don’t have the high dew points today
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