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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Another 2" on the driveway that I shoveled last night. 7.5" total of complete fluff.
  2. I had 5.5” at 8:30. Still snowing. We must have been under optimal snow growth conditions for a while. It was one of those deals where the air was just filled with perfectly shaped snowflakes. And yes, the radar rarely, if ever, does us justice.
  3. It was pounding while I was out shoveling the driveway. 5.5” when I started around 8:30. Really light, fluffy powder. Still coming down at a good rate.
  4. Just noticed BTV took us down a notch. 3”- 4” now instead of 6”
  5. Check? Let your bitterness take over and pay him in all pennies.
  6. If you make it, I'll personally go pick you up and bring you on a snowmobile ride.
  7. It's been snowing here for half an hour or so. A little ahead of schedule? Currently 13°/7°
  8. Look at the 1983 record lowest snow depth. That looks like reindeer sweater hanging conditions
  9. Obviously PF gets paid too much to do a job that fun. They can't afford one carrying that salary!
  10. It absolutely dumped big, fat flakes for a while with that second round. I sort of had expected tho finish with 1.5” or so before round 2 dropped another couple of inches of broomable snow.
  11. Stowe having some issues this morning. https://www.mynbc5.com/preview/eyJpZCI6IjAyZTJkMmE3LTBmYTQtNDYxOC04YzBhLWNjOTJkNDUwYjIwOSIsInR5cGUiOiJjb250ZW50IiwidmVyc2lvbiI6IjVhZjZjNzlmLWM1MTMtNDFiOS04ZTJjLTAyY2FkNTJmMGQyYSIsInZlcnNpb25lZCI6dHJ1ZSwidmVyc2lvbl9jcmVhdGVkX2F0IjoiMjAxOS0wMS0yN1QyMjoyNzowNS43MTM0ODNaIn0=/?fbclid=IwAR1Swmxd5La_ukkUeeOmP-eQnBy7L34GIzD9a0Pcg1pebj06st4gSEdkHEI
  12. Looks like 3”-4” here too. Wasn’t really expecting that much.
  13. Have had at least an inch here today, maybe two. Fluffy and drifty though.
  14. Keep that shit south and east of the 89/93 interchange in CON. Things are going ok here and I would like to make it through February for the first time in a couple of years without melting out.
  15. IMHO, you're fine. Carry on. Edit: Of course I’m a bit biased.
  16. So, this is the bane of my weather existence, I’ve been out and about all day and haven’t really looked at anything except for a brief scan of the January thread. In that thread, there were a couple of posts saying that there is a growing signal for a big torch stretch down the road in February. Now all I can think about is that. I can’t get myself to enjoy today’s weather because I keep thinking about what may occur in a few weeks. Ugh
  17. You don’t the concept of relativity do you?
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