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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. I’m pretty happy with my Ambient. I think it was $120. I could have it sited better, especially for wind but it works well and the set up was easy.
  2. Except we are only one storm removed from a much less severe gradient. Before this week, it wasn’t exactly deep winter. I had 5”-6” otg prior to that storm and we got lucky that it ticked East.
  3. True but because it’s been so mild, this feels colder than it usually does. Most January’s, highs in the teens don't register as all that cold.
  4. 10.4°. Spent the morning re-routing a snowmobile trail around a logging operation. Boot tracks drifted in after an hour or two. Light snow on and off too. Now the sun is back out. This is what January should feel like.
  5. Can you do me a solid and unblock the flow? Please and thank you.
  6. Mods, is there any way we can keep this guy in the GL’s forum?
  7. These are my favorite types of weeks in winter. Little bits of snow regularly and not even enough sun to melt anything. I could take an entire winter of these kind of weeks punctuated by the every other week 6"-10" type storm
  8. I don't particularly like studs and would never pay to have them on my tires. There is some thought that studs are only good in very specific conditions and actually increase stopping distance on bare, paved road. I bought my current set of winters used and they already had studs. I got them because a set of Nokias with less than a thousand miles on them for $500 was too good a deal to pass up. https://www.outsideonline.com/2359001/studded-tires-winter-car-prep#:~:text=It found that after just,is also torn to pieces.
  9. As PF has mentioned, BTV does a really good job over here. The combination of proximity of the mountains to the bigger population centers the fact the busiest stretch of highway in the state pass through them and the amount of business that depends on mountain recreation means they can better focus on that type of forecasting. At least that is my paraphrasing of better explanation.
  10. Plus Rt.100 intersects I-89 and it’s midway between Burlington and Montpelier. That’s why they call it the Crossroads of VT. It’s also why property is ridiculously expensive.
  11. Growing up, we had 2 donkeys that protected our flock of sheep. Besides braying loudly and warning us, they would drop kick anything that tried to get in the pasture.
  12. I just drove through your neighborhood on my way to a periodontist appointment and there was snow blurring the mountains down towards Sugarbush and Camel’s Hump.
  13. I guess I should have said that permits for construction above 2500’ have to go through Act 250 and are usually subject to tough standards. It is very possible that the incident I was thinking about was the result of someone building without Environmental District review.
  14. If so, they’ve been there a long time. Development above 2500’ is really restricted. A few years ago a house in W. Dover was ordered to be torn down because they ignored that rule. I can’t remember all the details or find a link but I do remember it. I’m not sure what happened with the appeal or if it actually got demolished.
  15. There is a snowmobile trail up to the fire tower on Glastonbury Mt. I hope to ride sow there this year at some point.
  16. Beautiful day to be out in the woods.
  17. I haven’t seen it but I think the “hit piece” narrative came from Tiger’s reps. I read a review that said it’s good but different from the Jordan one. Of course it would be without Tiger’s input.
  18. He wouldn’t be making enough to afford half that house working for the Coos County sheriff. There is the federal prison in Berlin though. Corrections is a different world than police work though.
  19. Down to 23.7° here. Still occasional flakes.
  20. As soon as Jan 69 was mentioned, I thought of you.
  21. Lol. You sure they aren’t counting the amount of qpf shot out of snow guns once the temps are optimal?
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