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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. I’ve done it on and off at the gym over the years and have liked it but am by no means a regular. It is a pretty good whole body workout and pretty easy on your joints.
  2. On a lighter (hopefully) note, we got a rowing machine for Christmas. Nothing extravagant but it got decent reviews and was easy to put together. It’s already had a positive impact, I had to clean the basement in order to have a place for it.
  3. I’ve been thinking of your comments in the past noting that we don’t need to be all that cold for snow. This is like a prime example. People spending their first winter up here, other than snow weenies like Phin, would almost think it was a somewhat close to normal winter.
  4. That's pretty much it. This has been an odd year, to say the least. Similar to many in the NNE thread, I usually have snowcover starting around the 1st week of December and it builds from there. Even if you have cutters but retain snow, it just becomes bullet proof. The absolute wipeout that we had was a bit extreme and basically put all of us back at the starting line.
  5. Isn't that an upslope favorable position for that? Asking for PF
  6. It is a non-profit community ski hill. I actually tried to get the golf course I'm a member of to go that route and tried reaching out to them but never heard back. It's a good story though. I've gone to snowmobile races there. https://www.whaleback.com/whalebackmountainboard
  7. Looking through the PNS reports, the observer near me had 5.3 for round one and 2.7 for this morning. An 8 spot for the weekend. I'd be pretty happy if I could get that much every three days or so.
  8. I doubt they called down during the game but it wouldn't surprise me if they discussed it before the game.
  9. 2.5" with occasional flakes drifting down 25.7°/24.0° Edit: Actual light snow now
  10. That reached us as well. I was driving back from grocery shopping and the roads got pretty slick. 2” measured when I got home.
  11. 16”, man that’s weak for the beginning of January.
  12. Lol. I like the Dalmatian ruler. Seems like it was all snow here too.
  13. 4.5” here. Forgot to add my pic in the obs thread.
  14. We can’t trust your obs without a screenshot of your weather station readings.
  15. I’m lucky enough that the closest gas station to me carries ethanol free gas. I also try to only use that in my snowmobiles.
  16. Because that is a funny visual. Walt Drag rising from the canvas like the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, with you in the corner of the ring staring on in disbelief, quaking in your tights
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