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Everything posted by Tatamy

  1. Feature still looks good across western NJ along and north of I78.
  2. Storm winding down now. Waiting on the rainbow.
  3. Continuous lightning and thunder as this feature pulsed up right as it reached me. 240 strikes on my Tempest in the last 20 minutes.
  4. Spectacular storm getting underway here. Big wind gust to 32 mph. My daughter observed a large transformer explosion off to my south while I videoed the view to the west.
  5. Reasonable looking roll cloud as it comes on in.
  6. I am watching the line segment near Harrisburg. Looks healthy currently and is moving EB at 55 mph according to the SWS put out by State College for that area. Timing on it would have it approaching the Delaware River bordering western NJ around 7PM.
  7. I’m in PA and with the exception of a brief shower yesterday evening also have had virtually nothing this weekend.
  8. Recent gust at my station to 19 mph on Fire Island. A nearby ocean side station has just gusted to 30 mph.
  9. Recent gusts at my station on Fire Island are at 15 mph. Ocean side is 20 mph. Typical winds there for this time of day.
  10. Much of yesterday’s convection had to do with the motion and location of outflow boundaries that were literally all over the place - particularly west of the city. Today’s convection will be getting a boost from the forcing coming in ahead of the cold front later.
  11. I picked up 0.22”. Had convection all around me later yesterday but only got underneath one substantial cell.
  12. We picked up a quick 0.25” with this feature with minimal lighting. Temperature has dropped 18 degrees and is now down to 64.
  13. Storms are approaching my location now. Lightning activity with these storms is quite minimal currently. Only 6 strikes detected in the past three hours according to my Tempest.
  14. My station on Fire Island has recorded 2.08” this morning. Quite a burst of rain going on down there.
  15. You don’t see this very often in the Baltimore area.
  16. Now a Tornado Warning in Lancaster Cty. PA
  17. We definitely do. The FAA has a big radar installation up in Rickets Glen State Park PA which would suffice. This is NW of Wilkes Barre.
  18. Tornado reported OTG as of 20 minutes ago to the west of Tamaqua. The storm producing this is west of Lehighton and Jim Thorpe. This is in eastern PA. No recent updates if anything is still OTG.
  19. Got an early start out here with that line now across NW NJ. 0.16” in the rain gauge. One close CTG strike with it here.
  20. Local utilities reporting 20,000 power outages in the area out here.
  21. Storm just blew through here. Nice wind producer and there will undoubtedly be tree damage relating to downbursts in my area.
  22. Interesting mesocyclone look on radar moving into the Middletown, NY area currently.
  23. I got real lucky. It was overcast here as late as 1:30 AM. Some time between then and 3:00 AM it cleared out.
  24. Here’s what I saw with the iPhone
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