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Everything posted by Tatamy

  1. It’s quite sad that all you can get is 0.5” at 2000’ above MSL.
  2. Very light snow here. Have been getting very light snow and flurries since the overnight hours. Most of it has not been sticking. 34/31
  3. That was a success however the 1/19/78 event that brought 12-18” across the area was a huge bust to the upside. Forecasts up to the night before were mainly calling for a change to rain after 2-4/3-6”. The first hints that I received that this would be bigger was at 10:00 PM the previous night when WCBS 880 was speaking of trucker reports of a wall of snow on the Jersey Tpke at Hightstown with dangerous conditions south of there. I woke up to 14” inches the next morning before it began to mix with sleet.
  4. Yes we did get ours this year.
  5. I grew up in the 70s on LI. The concept of a 6”+ storm basically did not exist at that time. The greatest amounts that were ever forecasted were 4-8” by AW because that was as big a storm as there could be or so it seemed. We had two storms of about 7” during that period and that was it.
  6. It’s snowing lightly across much of the Poconos. It looks like you need to be at least 1200’ up to see this and even there only a light coating is observed on non paved surfaces. Given the type of storm that this is and the moisture it has it’s quite a sad sight. Even 2000’ only gets you a coating with steady light snow. If you live near the coast and think you’re getting a raw deal with the lack of snow you’re not the only one.
  7. As expected by virtually all of the models snow has been very hard to come by with this event. Props to the CMC suite for seeing this from the beginning. The Euro did a good job of picking up the banding signature that set up from SW to NE across my area and over to northern NJ. Rain here most of the night with a temp of 37.8. Temps have been steady here. 0.82” so far. I have not seen any snow on the traffic cams that I have looked at along I380/I84 in NE PA.
  8. Looks to be an interesting morning in areas with elevation above 500 - 700 feet near and to the north and west of I78/I287. Recent HRRR runs are setting up for a surprise dump in those areas.
  9. A review of the soundings on the 12z HRRR shows very nicely the features you are speaking of. You will need elevation (as always) to get the best results from this. I would agree places along I80 and north would be best positioned to see this. I also like the fact that there is no strong southerly flow at 925mb to impede this.
  10. Ensembles have been fairly consistently north of the OP runs with this event. Another red flag going against it producing much of any snow near the city. The focus has been mainly on the I84 corridor.
  11. Ant - We all have access to the Pivotal site for the basic models with the subscription option for the advanced features. I even posted when they offered $20 off for the year earlier this month. I am sure that those who are interested are following it there.
  12. The term “Winter Storm” covers the whole gamut of precip types that one of these events can produce. For that reason alone I think it’s a good term to use.
  13. The state (PA) is announcing restrictions on virtually all of the highways south of I80 to exclude most trucks and all school buses. The school districts are now virtually all closing for tomorrow. Interesting to see how this decision process is playing out.
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