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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. I'm not really sure about what to do with my driveway. Another round of freezing rain this afternoon has totally locked in the 1/2" or so of sleet.
  2. Even without looking at radar or LSRs/mPING, you can easily see the southern limit of significant ice by its societal effects. Pretty cool how closely these are aligned.
  3. Only a light glaze at home before the sleet started, thankfully. Mean radial was 2mm, so well under 1/10th of an inch. It seems like the far northern reaches of Dutchess did "better" on the ZR front.
  4. Very early. Just dropped below freezing near Millbrook... the cold air is pushing south quickly.
  5. Down to 33 and still pouring, with 1.25" on the day so far. This is probably not going to be fun.
  6. Here's something I only just learned that makes those maps even more worthless, at least for the GFS. Bonkers.
  7. Thanks for the ob. This is worth knowing, since snowcover naturally has an impact on low-level temps (as well as fog formation, potentially dense, later today). It's getting pretty patchy here, especially under trees and on the usual south-facing slopes. Should be relegated to piles before long.
  8. We're bumping right up against the threshold between nuisance ice and ice that starts causing problems. We can safely dispense with visions of crumpled transmission towers, but I think we're all well aware of how readily a few weak tree limbs can knock out power for days on end. With cold temps returning this weekend, I'll be checking my generator today to make sure it's ready to go. Start 'em if you got 'em. And not to worry... the Hudson River Ice Yacht Club is optimistic about a return to smooth ice in Athens with this melt/flash freeze potential, and they're even holding out hope to get some sailing in at Rhinecliff later in the month.
  9. Down a bit from a high of 47... thought I had an outside shot at 50, but that ship has probably sailed. Spring cancel.
  10. As always, it bears remembering that QPF falling as freezing rain isn't the same as the eventual glaze thickness. In excellent conditions, radial ice accretion to liquid ratios are around 0.3:1 or 0.4:1, with horizontal accretion around 0.75:1. So 0.5" of "freezing rain QPF" will not be half an inch of ice sitting on power lines.
  11. I just want a couple mashed potatoes storms for photography. The windy crap that ends up in rock crevices and stacked up against fences... meh.
  12. This winter has been ok, despite the rather dismal YTD snowfall totals. A cold January with no major thaws is like winning the lottery these days. A couple respectable snowfalls in the next 6-8 weeks will make it a tolerable season.
  13. Sitting at 5F currently. Should just barely get the first subzero low of February, I would think.
  14. Me, trying to figure out what I first thought was an easy question
  15. I was pretty shocked to see it when I got up. By the time I got to 84 on my way to Cold Spring for sunrise, my truck thermo was already up to +10. Pretty localized decoupling.
  16. I just realized I'm a complete idiot and forgot that the Friday morning snow is included in those totals. That brings me much closer to the pack. Dumb.
  17. OK, here we go. Here are the three closest observers to me. My LE is very much in-line with these, no issues there. The problem is that DT-8 and DT-12, located roughly equidistant from me in opposite directions, both measured 60% more snow than I did. I measured on my usual snow board in the middle of a big open field, far away from any obstructions and, therefore, drifting. The snow was dry but dense, consistent with heavily fractured crystals and a windswept storm. To add a little more data, I just went out and took some sample measurements throughout my yard of the loose snow depth sitting atop the crusty old pack that had been through many freeze/thaw cycles. I found one spot where my ruler went in 3.3" before hitting solid ice, but most were closer to 3.1". This encompasses 0.9" on Monday, 0.7" on Friday morning, and my apparent 2.3" Friday night to Saturday morning. The first two events were high-ratio, and likely compressed heavily with the weight of new snowfall (not to mention sublimation and any surface melting), but yesterday's snow wouldn't have been subject to nearly as much compaction after the end of the storm. This morning's "depth" makes it hard for me to believe that I severely under-measured. So, was saltation much more prevalent at my house vs. surrounding points for some reason? It was definitely windy, but I get the impression it was windy just about everywhere. I wish I could be sure I wasn't overlooking something obvious.
  18. Not sure why folks are laughing, lol. I was being serious. That's generally how it goes here. I downslope on just about any wind direction and my south-facing hill is very poor for pack retention, but I radiate extremely well as a rule.
  19. Verification based on closest reports from Albany and Upton PNS and NWSChat: HPN (Armonk): 8.4" (+1.6) SWF (Gardnertown): 4.0" (-0.5) MGJ (3 WSW Middletown): 3.5" (+0.6) POU (4 SSE Poughkeepsie): 2.5" (-0.9) Should have tightened up the gradient a bit, but not bad.
  20. Hmm, I didn't expect that much of a difference. I feel quite confident in my core sample, so either I under-measured my snow or we really did just take different routes to get to the same place. I'll have to corroborate with cocorahs reports in the morning.
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