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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. My 2.3" melted down to .33" for an epic ratio of 7:1.
  2. I've been intrigued by that for a few days now. It's exactly the kind of 50F rainer mirage that slowly but surely resolves into a nice thump ending as a little drizzle. On the other hand, after the last few storms, I take the Euro about as seriously as that NASA model someone posted out of left field.
  3. The same here. Please just kill me if I ever again spend 10 days tracking 2.3" of snow.
  4. I know the feeling, I'd have 16" if it would just snow more.
  5. Little bit of a band taking shape just east of the NY/CT border. Danbury probably approaching 1"/hr rates. With the low jetting off to the NE now I don't think there's much room left for westward progress of heavier snow.
  6. There's something so nostalgic about WeatherTap radar during big storms.
  7. I'll attempt an averaged measurement in a bit but it can't be more than 2". Bitterly cold at 5F
  8. The GFS doesn't calculate snowfall forecasts, that's up to model vendor algorithms. Thanks for the attempted sanctimony, though.
  9. There's so much more to snow-liquid ratios than just column temp and wind. There are lots of great resources available online that explain the crosshair method of snow growth forecasting. That will get you much closer to realistic expectations than simply assuming that colder is better.
  10. Choose your adventure: 1) 500mb looks epic, the surface has to respond 2) meteorology not modelology 3) ratios will be good, don't worry about QPF
  11. I have a feeling that 3-6" might not be good with you, though
  12. Good. Save the ice, as we have all wished from the beginning. Nothing dim about it here, it's turning into a bona fide nice day. Heavy, heavy taking down of Christmas lights.
  13. 0.7" new snow in central Dutchess. The sun angle genuinely is working its magic, as most paved surfaces have already melted out.
  14. Well, right or wrong, the time has come for my final call. Time is running out for those of us in the interior NW burbs to realize a major storm. The mesos are not only correcting east a bit but also trending toward more strung-out cyclogenesis, which will focus the precip shield along the SW/NE axis. I no longer believe we're in contention for the deform band, and in fact may spend most of the time under enhanced subsidence. The WV loop, while a thing of beauty, shows no major surprises at this stage. HPN: 6.8" SWF: 4.5" MGJ: 2.9" POU: 3.4"
  15. I was down in Fishkill right as the snow stopped and had never seen such vividly blue snow. Plow piles just emanating this deep turquoise glow. What a spectacle. Then I returned home and my lawn was emanating a nice green.
  16. Sorry, lol. As far as I'm concerned you guys are still repaying your debt from Feb '10.
  17. You always do well with destructive thunderstorms, not sure what more you could ask.
  18. Pretty respectable snow growth here currently.
  19. I considered posting a mini-essay about how misleading, arbitrary, and oversimplified it is but thought better of it given the pace of the board rn. Maybe when the dust settles from this storm.
  20. Awful. The cold air immediately strains breathing and circulation, and then you start exerting muscles that don't get much use over an extended period of time driven by the desire to get the job done despite feeling tired... recipe for disaster.
  21. Big storms always kill a couple dozen people from things like CO poisoning and heart attacks while shoveling. It sucks, but even with plenty of advance warning you can't do too much about it.
  22. I'm so sick of seeing Kuchera maps
  23. NAM gonna NAM, but that run pivots the peripheral deformation band all the way back to the river for a few hours. Ultimately I think that will probably end up over the western third of CT. Bears very close watching, however.
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