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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. My zone has 100% chance of snow Saturday night. Very confident so far out. But no matter...I'll be on my way to Vegas.
  2. the norther the better we melt! (please)
  3. I think more is coming for up here, and probably 3 events. As someone said yesterday, they are lined up, and this kind of setup is ripe for this time of year. I bet one gets a good part of SNE.
  4. You are newly married. I'm certain you can think of something that is romantic, that speaks to new growth, sunshine, etc. Come on Ant!
  5. Patches opening up under the pines and near stone walls and boulders. But the pack is still mostly 6-18" in the fields and 18-24 in the woods. Everyday it softens and at night it refreezes but not as a glaze, instead as a sort of granular, freeze-dried surface that is awesome to walk on. I love walking on top of 1-2' of snow. I want it to melt out, but in the meantime....
  6. Pretty good setup Saturday Probs getting into interior SNE
  7. This is Saturday. Hmmmm. and then Sunday look what’s behind it
  8. Kind of an awesome morning. Cold enough last night so that the 6 to 18 formed a hard crust that we could walk on instead of constantly sinking into it and hurting my knee lol. Won’t be much melting for the next 36 hours, so want to enjoy the white snow fields and hope that it just melts out and there’s no more on top.
  9. For when and for where if you don’t mind
  10. CPC warm for the next 14 days! I am hopeful spinach planted 1st week April?
  11. Oh its good to know because I had assumed it was the caterpillars or the squirrel's nuts.
  12. So they’re starting to look like we don’t dip back into winter, at least, in terms of any more significant snows? That would be so awesome. I’m ready to melt out fast.
  13. That’s a tremendous forecast discussion. In Philly what I most remember is that it wasn’t that cold as a storm started but the temperature dropped and we got up to about a foot of snow before sleet started mixing in. In Center City, I literally couldn’t walk in any direction facing the wind, because the sleep was slamming into my face so hard. I think we ended up with a little more than a foot but then it got very cold for a couple of days. You were probably in Hooksett then, but what were the snow totals up here? Anybody get 3 feet?
  14. Very hard to know exactly how much fell but I’m probably right around what Bryan got maybe slightly more because I think I was a head earlier in the day. What I can say is that in the fields I have anywhere from about 18 inches to about 27 inches. In the woods about 24 inches to 36 inches. Took my measuring stick with me on my morning walk and the depth change from the day before the storm till this morning looks to be around 12 inches a range of 11 to 14 actually. That probably supports about a 16 or so inch snowfall. The snow on the trees was three standard deviations beyond anything we’ve seen here. Unbelievable that those birches can survive. The dog alternated between having an absolute blast and then sitting down and looking at me like I was crazy and she wanted to go back in the house.
  15. I think you are the winner in the places where people live. Congrats!
  16. I hearby donate all of my remaining potential snow for the season to the DC to Boston corridor
  17. Tuna, I don't ever report my measurements as official. I just pay more attention than the average person. I suppose I could try a board though, that'd be interesting. I'm pretty confident I got 15-16 today (even with my shoddy technique lol). What a fun day!
  18. huge flakes dumping. not sure what I have, but def. 15+
  19. Pivoting and joining with the band to the west. 18+ you and me and 2' for mama. This stuff has to be 2-3/hour. More yellow please.
  20. The pivot is starting in that band that goes from Dover, ME down into SNE. I think whoever is in it now is going to be in it as it pivots, and then those to the east get some love.
  21. Jeebus this band is really intensifying. Is that subsidence right to the east? I hope we keep the band! How much do you have so far?
  22. Nice band from downeast right through and past Concord. Just getting into that dumpage.
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