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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. About 2". super nice start to the season. Baby girl loved it.
  2. Have sucked up thousands into the vacuum cleaner along with the flies
  3. That wind direction almost never produces much precipitation. I’ve learned that painfully in a few nor’easter’s.
  4. It’s a nice breezy day. Cloudy and a bit chilly so it’s sort of feels like a late September strong cold frontal passage.
  5. Bummer I was hoping the showers this morning would interfere with heating in destabilization. I don’t want all my pretty big green tomatoes to be split by heavy, downpours and severe thunderstorms. no, do I want them spinning around in the air like Dorothy and Toto.
  6. The soft landing small ones that bite. Been rough. On the positive side, we found a large patch of black trumpet mushrooms in our woods.
  7. Dumping here and the train is setting up over us this time
  8. I think your paws are going to get plenty of water. Meanwhile, the sun has come out and we continue to get better than forecast reality. Very good for the garden going to water but then the sun and the wind dry things out a bit.
  9. This is a good thing. With the chance of showers and thunderstorms and heavy downpours every day for a week, I think we really want to try to stay on the low end. So far I feel very lucky in that I’m getting enough rain to keep everything wet, but no flooding so far. As always, my concern is for the tomatoes.
  10. Yet another day, that seems to me like an over performer in these last few weeks. We’ve ended up with more sun and warmth than the forecast would have predicted, and that is continuing. Tomorrow will suck, but maybe we get some sun on Sunday. As long as it’s not cold and damp the tomatoes will do just fine with the temperature not getting below 60 at night as long as the sun comes out a bit
  11. My cousin there right now is snowboarding and says there’s 15 feet as of last week at the top of the mountain and 11 at the bottom
  12. Hopefully we get periods of sun over the next few days. I realize that will just cause heavier storms later but I think the tomatoes would like the sun. At least it’s not cold and wet.
  13. I actually thought that though the pattern looks and is at times horrible, the ground truth is it 4 of the last six days have had significant amounts of sunshine and temperatures somewhere between the low 70s to the low 80s. Actually pretty good for the garden and the trees I have to say. It’s just distressing to look at a 10 day forecast and see showers every day and eyes in the 60s. That doesn’t seem to be verifying most of the time.
  14. perfectly screws over Ray and Anthony while Kevin sculpts piles and Dendrite breaks 100
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