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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. about 3.5 here with bending birches at 650" in Boscawen NH
  2. the ptsd was well earned for many as spectacular patterns kept appearing and then slowly eroding away. No change. Not that it was bad up here though, but was for most south of CON. But perhaps the consistency of the later Dec signal and its connection to a likely Phase 8 makes it a more believable outcome?
  3. light wet snow here. Not heavy so could get interesting when the rates intensify. expected rain to start...this is basically white rain at this point, but who knows how it evolves.
  4. I wouldn't have expected to start as a mix at 37/36dp. So there is cold air, we see how much makes it to the surface. I bet you have 4-6 on the ground by morning.
  5. Actually, it looks like it’s a bit of a mix of rain and snow
  6. Not sure what’s happening here, but I’m about to go for a drive down to Concord. Assume it’s good sign to see sleet because that means the upper levels are cold already and some of that is going to come down as precipitation intensifies would be nice to end up with a coating of two or 3 inches by tomorrow morning. A few cold days to follow and enjoy bit of winter.
  7. Another year with great promise in medium and long range models that isn’t realized for many? No change.
  8. We should towards the model that sees CAD best?
  9. Looks like a lot of last winter were up here we ended up with a lot of snow and almost 3’ pack while not too much 50 miles south.
  10. Seems like prospects for significant up here have gone down but uncertainty with all the shortwaves so any cycle could bring a surprise.
  11. GYX talked about big overnight shift on models...lots of weak waves along a front draped across new england with high to the north....and maybe the 5th and 6th waves come together as a big storm. Zones are vague but mostly mention snow after Saturday and through Tuesday. So far this year it seems to want to snow up here but we'll see.
  12. I would hope he'd have higher standards.
  13. First ones for us up north, and the second ones for y’all down south
  14. Their Christmas market is fantastic
  15. Quite an intense snow shower but sky brightening.
  16. Gyx discussion cautiously optimistic early next week with high to the north and good moisture
  17. Good. I never like missing out, but it’s always good to put the snow down up north for economic reasons if nothing else. Good luck and I hope it’s an over performer!
  18. We are in the midst of a nice stepping down. Could get the perma snow winter cover by December.
  19. I say it every year. Every weenie should visit. Best large metropolitan city for snow maybe in the world
  20. Once you decide it’s just funny, it’s a lot easier
  21. “No change.” the fights are starting early this year, and the contestants are lining up as usual.
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