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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. I wanna make sure I’m getting the potential progression right. So we have some sort of event Tuesday night and Wednesday that might be a mix with more snow further north, but probably not a heavy event. Then around Friday we have another event. This event might be a little bit warmer with mixing getting quite far north? Then early next week there’s a chance for a significant storm while we temporarily have a good set up?
  2. Is next week one event or two events as modeled yesterday? Thanks
  3. Am yisrael chai! May snow be the only thing falling from the sky in Jerusalem, this winter.
  4. the last time we collectively melted down it led to a disappearing Pope and snow on snow in a lot of New England. What will the next 2 weeks bring?
  5. our last frozen wafers of the season?
  6. You have some particularly great pictures if I remember correctly. Particularly with Bryce in the early years.
  7. Yeah probably. Just being 350 feet higher and 10 miles north of Concord often is enough for me to get good snow. But it’s much more fun when everyone else is in it to be honest. I was checking out a cam in Center City Philly today because I remember how much fun it was to walk around the city and it snowstorm. At some point this will break and in a couple years. I’ll be walking around with my kids in snowstorms.
  8. When you go negative it’s like 10 turds in the Punchbowl and everyone goes running for the exits. when others go negative we just laugh.
  9. Pretty clear this is a multi year pattern. I wonder what will break it? Appear we’ve still had decent snow. Last year higher than average, but very much on the borderline. This year not too bad but slightly behind. But I’m trying to remember when we had what felt like a cold winter with decent snow that tended to predominate the majority of the season
  10. Will we have to replace ULLR with the Pope and the qqanon queen? where we go one we go all, to the torch???
  11. Hope y’all are enjoying! When I lived in Center City my favorite Snow walk, was straight across the city into Rittenhouse Square and over to the Schuylkill. Rittenhouse looks great in the snow. Enjoy it and hope there’s much more to come.
  12. SWFE are fun, and once they’re showing up in the models consistently, they’re very predictable. For us it’s anywhere from a quick 3 to 6 inch all the way up to an 8 to 12 inch or if there’s a lot of moisture or if there’s a coastal low that develops. Much more easy to track and less surprises than a coastal. If this stays on the models for another two cycles or so, then it’s probably happening.
  13. That block north of Alaska solid on all 3. That is almost always good for us.
  14. The late week one moderate, the early week one light.
  15. And not much of a warmup here? She back?
  16. On wunderground several inches on the 10 day. Tuesday- Wednesday and and Fri-Saturday. Must’ve been some decent overnight runs at least for CNE NNE. SWFE is our bread and butter up here.
  17. That is a bold statement. Either you are a seer or an idiot. Hmmmm. Did you look at another 384 hour EC op run? She gone?
  18. You would’ve loved the 28 inches I got in about seven hours in December 20 20. Brian got even more, I think 34 inches in the same time frame 10 miles north of me. it was the most amazing seven hours. Every time I come in from a walk I waited about 15 minutes it went out again with the excuse that I had to shovel the walk. At 6 inches an hour at one point, I really did need to go out twice an hour. I hope you see this sometime soon!
  19. In a year where there’s been some decent blocking, which is likely to reoccur, and now with cold air sources near us I think the chance of a couple of decent snowstorms in February is fairly high. One big and one moderate snowstorm puts a lot of people to normal or above.
  20. 3” in the nose here and radar says we don’t get to 4, but I’m open to surprises. go Jeff! Radar looks awesome in ME
  21. NAM likes Midatlantic and NE on Friday? we have the sref nam and nav - what could go wrong?
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