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Everything posted by MANDA

  1. Moving quickly but impressive little storm.
  2. Not a bad Drought Monitor for the middle of August!
  3. Rainfall totals from overnight through about 8am. Widespread 1"+ totals NNJ along and north of 80 and over the eastern third or so of L.I. It did under perform my expectations of more widespread 2"+ totals with some local amounts to 3-4". Either way, everything staying well watered in my area and I'm not complaining about that.
  4. Had 1.17” here. Was expecting at least 2”. We’ll see what the max totals were but south of 78 this was pretty much a non event. Was very evident that was going to be the case based on radar late yesterday afternoon and especially during the evening. Really thought there was going to be a swath of 2-4” totals from the 78 / 80 corridor across the city into to southern CT. Based on radar overnight would think sone places may have gotten 2” we’ll see shortly when numbers come in.
  5. If that materializes there will be severe flooding. Especially if it were to fall along and north of 78 as that area is already rather waterlogged.
  6. YES! same here. Yellowjacket nest under the concrete slab of my front porch. The swarm when I walk by or water the flower pots. Don’t want to kill them but getting annoying. Only the first frost will end this. Know what you are talking about.
  7. Snippet from Mt. Holly AFD. Situation seems ripe for some locally excessive totals. Would not be surprised to see totals of 3-4" over a rather short period of time. Hopefully will not fall over areas that have already seen excessive totals over the last month.
  8. Same here. Loaded last year, just disgusting and this year none, at least so far. Thankfully.
  9. Lower sun angle make it more tolerable but we'll see if it actually arrives for more than a few days. I'd rather a hot summer than a warm fall honestly.
  10. Got lucky here at the last minute yesterday. Small and localized batch of showers developed right near my area and brought the total up to .52". Had it not been for that I would have ended up with .18". Everything remains lush and green. Nice!
  11. Just some drizzle here and .18" for the day.
  12. Busting badly up my way so far...at least according to modeling yesterday. More recent runs showed much less and so far they are winning for my area.
  13. Totally agree. They can take great liberty on what they name but hurricanes and majors are harder to fiddle with.
  14. The fox is in charge of the hen house so depending on what they decide to name it is possible. Significant spread in all the categories so at least with the number of named storm they have good chance of hitting 14 if they name low level cloud swirls into November and December. They are in control so we'll see what happens. Hurricanes and majors are a little harder to fiddle with.
  15. The fox is in charge of the hen house so depending on what they decide to name it is possible.
  16. I'll be happy with .50" at this point. Anything above that is gravy on the biscuit. I think the 1"+ amounts are off the table at this point.
  17. At this point I'm rooting for a 0/0/0 August just because. SST's are not going to save the day on their own. While an August shutout is not likely at this point it is not too hard to envision. I agree, September will have to be off the charts to get to CSU's numbers. Getting boring.
  18. Stellar morning of weather for early August. Temperature of 62, DP upper 50's and a bit of a gusty breeze with clear skies. Considering how hot and nasty it could be at this time of year this is just great weather!
  19. No complaints from me. Pleasant temperatures and humidity and ample rainfall. Can't beat it with a stick. I do feel bad for folks in the deep south and southwest U.S. They have been taking it on the chin this summer. Brutal. Now way I could "exist" in those conditions.
  20. Just a run of the mill T-Storm last evening. Nothing even close to severe. Picked up .51" of rainfall for a daily total of 1.20". I'll take it. Had some rumbles of thunder and some flashes of lighting. Winds BRIEFLY gusted to about 30 mph. Pretty much as expected for my area. Bow echo over SNJ was impressive.
  21. The historical record from that site has been so contaminated in several ways. It is a shame.
  22. Still not impressed for anything severe in NJ. Exception being southern 1/3 of the state....in line with the outlined area. The eastern sections of that watch box from SENY / NEPA down to near TTN do not look favorable for severe IMO. Even SNJ may escape with little or nothing with the loss of daytime heating.
  23. Heavily overcast here and it has been all day. Even some drizzle at times.
  24. .69" rainfall on the day so far. Expectations for severe over NNJ later today are low. Hoping for at least another slug of rainfall. Will be disappointed in anything less than .50". Looks like the usual SNJ on south and west type event....AGAIN. Don't need or want the severe just a little more rainfall and I'll call it a win.
  25. Latest WPC QPF outlook is pretty robust next 72 hours over NW/W NJ and EPA with 2" to locally 3"+, especially over EPA. PWAT will be approaching 2" or slightly higher with rather slow moving CF pushing into that juicy air mass. As of this morning issuance SPC had SLT risk of severe over western sections of this forum. Could use a little rainfall to refresh the top soil. Not is dire need by any means.
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