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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Mt. Arlington, NJ Morris/Sussex County Border Elevation 1050'
  • Interests
    Meteorology, Science, Yankees and Finance

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  1. Very pleasant out there this morning. Overnight low of 60 with a light breeze and low DP's. Don't get much better than this for late July!
  2. Such a disappointing amount of rainfall this week. Yup, will be watering here as well. Going to be dry into mid next week. My hopes are raised for a wetter period late next week into the following week. A ways off though so we'll see. Latest Drought Monitor shows the dryness across NJ.
  3. What a waste of a soupy moisture laden air mass. Have about .30" to show for it.
  4. A whopping .26" overnight. I'll take it but I sure would like more. Not likely today and not so sure about tonight either.
  5. Just trace of rainfall here today. Skunked so far. Some places did well but not widespread coverage. Hoping for something decent over the next 2-3 days....at least an inch I hope.
  6. For the first time this season lots of wildfire smoke showing up in central Canada and showing up at least on a minimal basis over parts of the U.S. Very dense smoke over central Canada. We'll see how much of this can "mix" into the pattern over the coming week.
  7. Agree, some of the high end numbers of named storms out there may be in trouble. ACE numbers maybe less in jeopardy if we get some more intense long trackers like Beryl but even so those high ACE numbers could be on shaky ground as well.
  8. Low of 57 here this morning. Wheeled the garbage can to the curb at 5 a.m. and it was borderline chilly for mid July. So refreshing compared to what it has been. Low of 51 in Walpack, NJ and numerous lows in the low 50's in the NW NJ cool spots.
  9. Fairly extensive dryness and drought over the eastern 1/4 of the country. Some of this should get beaten back over the next 2 weeks expecially over the Mid-Atlantic and parts of the Southeast.
  10. Had an even 1" here during last nights storms. Wind was quite minimal. A few good flashes and rumbles but mostly just a nice soaking. Additional rainfall chances next week so good for a while around here.
  11. Buddy in Pittstown, Hunterdon County still without power at this hour. Trees down all over the place. Just want some rain. I can do without all of that.
  12. Missed to my northwest and now they are blowing up to my east. Sucks.
  13. Sure hope I can cash in later because in this initial round of storms I got skunked. Missed some good stuff just to my NW. Been on the losing end of late around here.
  14. Trof position might be such that we still run above normal and on the humid side. Might also give us AN precip. Nice in the nations mid-section though!
  15. Well, we are halfway through meteorological Summer. Won't be long before we are playing kick the "Canadian cold" can. Hope not but we'll see.
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