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Everything posted by cleetussnow

  1. Yeah no one is. I think thats problematic. Its been much warmer than now in human history, and much colder than now. I dunno. Seems climate is dynamic even on such short time scales as 200,000 years, or even 10,000! There are plenty of climate factors in the past worth studying. Why don’t we?
  2. Whos debating? Just asking a pro a few questions.
  3. What caused the other warming periods that happened in the last 4,000 years? Sea levels have risen 40 feet in that time, averaging a foot every 100 years. Or the last 11,000? Ice has been melting for that long globally. Its not a new thing. When should it have stopped? It actually did reverse for a time, then peak ice of the last 1000 years was around 1570 ish. Why did it stop expanding then and reverse? Should the planet be cooling right now if it weren’t for humans? Or is there a perfect static temperature we should expect? If we don’t think about these things, we may draw a wrong conclusion. Asking for a friend.
  4. If it weren't Christmas me and you would be going. I just put sweet tires on my truck perfect for this sort of thing.
  5. Hey George do you have any relatives from Harwich? seriously tho, good looking out on this one. One eye…for now.
  6. I don’t care if it rains or freezes ’long as I got my plastic Jesus riding on the dashboard of my car
  7. The greens and tees will be fine so no.
  8. Agree. I was planning to stockpile some more wood pellets, but my consumption will be half of normal for several weeks at least. I think we get a 2 to 3 week stretch of winter later in Jan and then we are done. And that's if we are lucky. The pacific is setting up hostile as usual.
  9. At least its not cooling. That would be nice…for awhile…then the environment will not be able to sustain 8 or 10 billion people. It will cool eventually since we are in an inter glacial period as opposed to a post glacial period. I think 10000 years is a good geological time frame to measure climate, certainly not 20. 10,000 years is 1/20th of human existance. A lot happened climatology speaking in our frankly very brief 200,000 year history as a species.
  10. This is ground zero of the Christmas melt, and the first of Winter 2022/23. I expect many, many more before the universally endorsed towel chuck come Feb. 1st.
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