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Bob Chill

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Everything posted by Bob Chill

  1. We do but typically not on the front side of the boundary cross. Usually happens after it pushes south to NC (or wherever) and puts it in reverse. To get the front side, you can't have a steep SW-NE angle to the front. There almost always has to be some sort of "drape" so the cold air can push down vertically instead of diagonally. The more the boundary is aligned diagonally and steep, the higher the probability if cold getting in too late no matter what the mid range shows.
  2. Thing is, its only there because the arctic mass lost its legs and decided Canada is more fun. I can promise you, if -20 850e ran wall to wall above us from the GLs to Maine, there would be no shortwave drawing flow from the SW because it couldn't exist in that environment. Would be nice to get a real intrusion and let it settle instead of glancing quick movers.
  3. If the upcoming week continues the streak to morph cold domes into jagged hilly pockets of cold on the move, my interest is going to drop pretty quick. No sense analyzing the inner edge of the long range if it's just going to keep turning into the same ole same ole. Still not a shutout pattern so that's solid. But a very touchy and complicated one anyways... and that's as solid as Avanti's intelligence.
  4. At the point in time it does but that is a huge swath of SW flow in the mids and its moving east. Insitu cad at best. Need a cad setup with a feed. The only thing standing in the way is depth of cold. If northern or even arctic stream shortwaves run horizontally above us, we've got an extra layer of difficulty to overcome. We do complicated so well we shouldn't worry tho
  5. So much hinges on how the upper and mids set up after the boundary that until that is locked down, boy it gets hard to trust a single thing beyond (on any piece of guidance). I'm getting tired of the cold ROAR turning into a little meow
  6. Here's a good visual. When I started seeing the big bowl showing up and temp gradients looking like this on multiple models, I got excited. This is how we win without a block. Lots of iterations but here's how mid level temps NEED to look for a good overrunner. We had this across most guidance at the same general time. And here's the kick in the nuts 0z version of the same period.... Obvious right? Now ens are hinting ar the same bowl carve just further out in time. Might be a mirage. Seems elusive. Time will tell
  7. I don't dig back thru tons of recent runs to find trends as I'm mostly forward looking but I did spend a few minutes this AM. I won't go into detail but remember when the oranges were freezing in Jacksonville in early Feb on the models early last week? People talked suppression(briefly) and I distinctly remember @WxUSAFsaying he'd take the under. I quietly but violently agreed. Not only has the depth of cold backed waaaaay off (I know... shocking). Now the boundary is back to struggling to press and looking hilly instead of a broad carves. 0z gfs op is pointing towards a NS wave north of us after the boundary finally pushes south. Well, that f'n sux. Return flow will rot any cold air below it. That's why the 0z run had a perfect track rainer. If we can't get a big cold dome to carve and settle, we got problems because without deep cold air to fight against, our odds get really touchy.
  8. Gfs lost me after the d6-7 chance looked steamy and stinky. The swarm of shortwaves after in the west made my head hurt and the end result made it hurt worse. I'm out on anything the gfs showed thru d10
  9. The progression on the d9 deal is so convoluted I don't think it's actually possible.
  10. This run sucks. No signs of a broad cold trough. Just more quick hitting "V"s. Those won't get the job done.
  11. There's a big/deep arctic air intrusion coming into the conus. That's pretty much a lock. It will modify as it heads here but it's still a pretty big dense/cold airmass. The battleground between that and warm moist air in the deep south is kinda slow moving and just sagging down pushing on everything. Models are speeding it up. Especially the euro. Until that's resolved, no way to know how many (if any) shortwaves will run the gauntlet. Waiting game there. However, we've gotten plenty of ok events like this. The key is the orientation of the boundary. The more W-E it is, the higher the probability of multiple shortwaves running along it. The first chance starts with getting that boundary south of your house.
  12. Considering this entire evolution was an amped warm sector with little chance at the cold beating precip, recent developments are attention grabbing. I haven't seen a set of runs in the last 6 that didnt lower heights in the east leading in.
  13. It's the type of event that I like. Mostly an overunnner and not developing synoptics that gets us. Models can hone in on these further out than anything like this weekend. The more a front aligns W-E, the better our chances. We have some good history here with this type of event. My main concern is It's pretty abrupt after the warmup and it's the first cold air to hit. No models showed this 3 days ago. It was universally amplified and warm for this event. Not anymore and it's not far away. Interesting.
  14. This is a pretty good setup for a "lower stress" event. Seems a bit quick but the trend to press down heights in the east started 2 days ago. Getting interesting now and it seemed like a big longshot just a day or 2 ago
  15. I'm a really good room reader. I can literally feel your anguish as you prod thru iterations of the same general question in hopes of someone saying it's definitely going to dump in a week and not to worry We discuss generalities here really well. Complete piece by piece longwave analysis any time something looks like more than a shutout. You constantly try to drill one level deeper into specifics at times when generalities are still pretty muddy. Real frustration and unhappiness comes thru strong on your posts. Can be hard to read sometimes honestly. I'm saying this because I feel bad for you at times. Not because I'm a big meanie who wants to call everyone out
  16. We've wasted a few great ones since but that was the last classic hit. Last year had some great blocking. Upper air looked great plenty but when you opened up the 850 temp panels... ooof.... what a disaster. Lol
  17. Ninos often feature the pineapple connection or a stream of moisture and/or shortwaves from HI to Socal. When storms enter the country in socal it's WAAAAY different than when they enter in Seattle. That's the primary reason we like ninos. The further south a storm enters the conus, the better chance of it staying south of us. Plenty of ninos never get that though and it can happen in any enso state. When i read your posts and questions it always looks like a constant search for 1+2=3 in weather. You gotta move past that quick here. It has never and will never work that way. We've wasted ungodly good setups and gotten hit flush in some of the dumbest. Never ever expect anything to do anything in particular no matter what Eta: when I see a nice blocked pattern with a 50/50 or whatever, all it tells me that there is a real CHANCE at a big storm. Not that there will be a storm. And even if there is, a lot still has to break right to take advantage of the longwave setup. When models spit out a big blocked storm a week out, it makes sense to me. That's it. When models spit out an unblocked coastal ripper big hit a week out, it will never make enough sense to me to expect anything.
  18. Blocking changes the flow. Especially where it counts. When something is blocking the flow, we get confluence overhead or height lines running W-E. We live for that. Unblocked flow is just a steep hill most times. Nothing in the way so you better be in ground zero or you get zero. Make sense?
  19. There are a few nice setups in progressive NS flow without blocking so I'm not saying it's a doom thing at all. You're hearing me harp on the broad trough. That's the most visible way to get into a warning storm pattern. Broad troughs and flow underneath elongates everything. Moisture streams way out in front of even weak shortwaves in the south. Get in the way of that and a 1003mb low can still drop a foot here. Long duration overunners happen here. PD2 part 1 was just that. Not apples to apples at all but sometimes the hose points at us and we snow for a day or 2. Not hot and heavy like a compact ball of energy. Just steady light/mod snow that keeps piling up. Sure would like to see a pattern set up in early Feb that can deliver that. If ens/ops lose the broad trough idea completely and go back to fast moving steep hills, I'll go quiet pretty quick.
  20. In general. We get fast/progressive northern stream flow more than any other in winter. Enso doesn't matter other than cold enso favoring MORE of what we always get a lot of. Lol. It's why I don't get interested much with years like this except inside of 3 days. No storm is real outside of that. Especially if it's touchy (almost always is). I was certain all week my yard was weak this weekend. I no longer expect different results with these deals. I've been doing this too long to allow myself to get pulled into anything that isn't worth the time investment
  21. Progressive northern stream is a staple here and unfortunately it has a huge bag of tricks to find ways to skip us. Geography problems are unfixable. Feb should provide some better battlegrounds from what I'm seeing. TPV intrusions at the same time more springlike shortwaves start making some moves along the southern tier. If we keep getting tall/steep uphill approaches it's prob going to be a continual problem. Always is. Get a couple broad carves and set up and move W-E oriented battleground and we can talk bigger or "easier" events. Pretty clear that a repeating current pattern isn't going to work well this year. Things aren't aligned properly.
  22. My absolute favorite part of skiing backcountry during a storm cycle in the rockies... Just hiking in snow fog is otherworldly. It's where cold smoke term was born. Literally looked like a forest fire was in process and only happens when it's really cold. When you decend in that type of snow it looks like a smoke cloud chasing you the whole way. Oh man do I miss it but there is no end to the means meaning no matter how many times you get lucky to experience it, it will always leave you chasing more and a bit sad when it shuts off
  23. Definitely work on this. We all have some of it in us. However, it's paradox of sorts. No matter where you are in life, someone is always richer, more powerful, better educated, better looking, more snowier, and on an on. Life really is only as complicated as you make it. I joke around that every yard is dead to me except mine. It's actually quite true from how I process this stuff. There isn't a single thing to be gained by envy/jealousy related to things you have zero control over. It's a mental prison. The quicker you can shake it the better. These thought loops come up all over the place in every aspect of life. It can effect decision making at an important time if you let it own you.
  24. Tracker knows exactly what to look for and how to present it with neutral/reasonable narration. It's really pretty awesome. Especially during the week when I literally have 5 min to rip and read.
  25. @psuhoffman just won the interwebs with his meme of memes. I'd of spaced out some of those for maximum duration/effect but not psu.... he just drops the hammer, then the mic, and slowly walks out of the room backwards grinning shoulder to shoulder.
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