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Everything posted by TimB

  1. We’ll see what the EC says. Yesterday it had a deep trough in that timeframe.
  2. Was hoping to turn off my a/c for good this week. The fact that I haven’t on 9/21 is already ridiculous and stupid, but now there’s a chance I can’t until October.
  3. Next week has trended above. Nothing like starting October with a few +10s to +15s to cripple the chances of a below normal month. Despite the normals going up by a lot, PIT could still be 6/10 on above normal months this year and MDT will be even more than that.
  4. Could legitimately get 1, maybe 2 days below normal out of this pattern.
  5. Not arguing here either. It’s just an interesting stat.
  6. Pirates had some ridiculous streak against the Brewers awhile back. Like 20+ consecutive losses in Milwaukee.
  7. You figure, even a 48-102 team like the Orioles is averaging one win per series.
  8. I’ll take 70/50 over the garbage we’ve had the past couple weeks, but there’s never a corresponding -10 as a reward for getting through all this +10 crap.
  9. Most forecasts in the MDT area are running 72/52 for a few days, which is about a -3 this late in September. Mine are about 68/48, which is also about a -3.
  10. Days on end of +10, then a couple days of -3 or -4, then right back to normal. It’s the way it goes anymore. I don’t see how this month doesn’t end up at least +2.
  11. Mostly seasonable to slightly below. No 80s and barely any 70s past Wed. at least in my neck of the woods
  12. You know what else is maddening? Latest EC and NAM still have temps of 70+ after midnight Thursday morning. Why can’t we ever get a good clean frontal passage anymore?
  13. I take that back. **** Mike Tomlin. Get a possible season-ending injury to a starting receiver by running a play in an unwinnable game.
  14. Maybe it’s just a “Tomlin and Ben never figured out how to beat the Raiders” thing and we’ll be fine. But if Watt is out for any amount of time, it’s over.
  15. Aside from that second half against Buffalo (which got my hopes up) this team is every bit as bad as we expected.
  16. Might as well have Duck Hodges under center.
  17. At least you have the Steelers. Oh wait, these injuries to the defense are going to kill us.
  18. I’m hearing a lot about the polar vortex. I’ll believe it when I see it.
  19. Yeah, that 12z EC run looks like a fluke now. The normally steady Euro went from cool to warm to cool in its last 3 runs.
  20. Well here we go, Euro slows down the mid-week front and keeps even me warm on Wednesday (upper 70s), then a short period of slightly below normal temps before bouncing back to average or slightly above. CPC map and discussion for week 3-4 doesn’t exactly inspire confidence that our last 80 degree day occurs during the current stretch either. GFS is waffling (latest run is prolonged cool temps, but I’ve seen both).
  21. Warmest day until at least April incoming?
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