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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Imagine if it had more time over water, we are going to pay for all of those underwater volcanos building those ssts.
  2. I would honestly take a failure of this winter if it meant the it’s actually not snowing crew stopped posting.
  3. Thought today would be a little more like one of those rare less localized events with the moderate risk but it still probably verified for MD and can’t really complain about not losing power.
  4. Got a max wind gust of … 14.8 mph so uh that counts for something.
  5. Was at the pool from around 3:30-4:15 and could see how dynamic the atmosphere is as clouds started to build up, its go time.
  6. Just set up an actual ambient weather station yesterday and its apparent how partial clearing is already starting to hike up instability
  7. Just watched the cells over Reston and chantilly pop up as the outflow crossed over. Unfortunately it also canceled the swim lesson I was giving with a crack of thunder.
  8. Have been under the tip of the cell over Reston for the past 50 minutes, lots of thunder and tropical rain rates but blue sky has been visible to my south for half of the time it’s been raining. It also finally gusted out a bit so it’s probably going to die somewhat soon unless it redevelops again.
  9. Drone pictures of storms firing west of IAD.
  10. Clouds have broken and the sun has been out for a bit in fairfax.
  11. And I’ll be driving right into them coming back from a trip do it’s gonna be a fun time
  12. Cannot wait for him to discover high school swim season, its honestly the highlight of both my school year and year in general. It combines the team building of summer with the competition of club and takes the best aspects of both.
  13. My team had our first time trials last weekend and our second one is this weekend. You guys are just behind
  14. Don't know about your pool but all of the 10 plus coaches in training (high school kids) are in the water for the whole practice they coach making sure the kids don't drown and yes the air quality was bad enough to be harmful for developing kids which I'm pretty sure still includes teens. I've only been going outside with a mask on since yesterday and before that I've gotten nasty headaches and congestion. I've also been tired but that may or may not be related to the smoke. Either way the right decision was definitely to cancel it.
  15. Pool closed yesterday for afternoon practice thank god, didn't want to have to coach in that. You need to remember when making your decision that by making it "optional" it fill forces the coaches and kids that coach to show up. My morning outdoor actual swim practice didn't cancel today but elected to not go.
  16. Those damn underwater volcanoes are at it again!
  17. Weak, its not even as cold as it was last year.
  18. I took the day off school last Friday to play through it and its been an amazing experience, it truly builds on every single mechanic of Botw and fixes almost all of its problems but please explore all of Botw before Totk because after starting Totk. Despite how good Botw is Totk makes it feel unfinished and like a first draft. Also I've played for like 30 hours and there is still so much more to do, the world feels so much more interconnected and alive. The story (at least how far I've gotten) also seems to be more in depth. So yes please play it. They even managed to make the sunsets and sunrises look even better than Botw.
  19. Some of us weren’t old enough to experience such past storms, just another thing climate change takes away from the next generation.
  20. Gfs with a fantasy tropical thing in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s almost the time of year for us to start tracking the tropics.
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