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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. I somehow think his underwater volcanoes take might make more sense than whatever this is, which is an astonishingly low bar to trip over.
  2. 25.3 degrees which is a lot colder than I thought I’d get too. For some reason the inside of the pool area at practice today was like 60 degrees this morning which was not welcomed.
  3. I appreciate your post but nothing we say will ever convince them, they are deliberately engaging in bad faith to spread their ideas, not to have them challenged by others which would cause them to reevaluate their own.
  4. Damn “all day and half the night” Russia must be spending a lot more on its bots.
  5. Go cry about it, unfortunately for you we are an atmospheric science board.
  6. With the latest GFS run we officially kick into the season of getting unreasonable amounts of domaine through blue pixels on a screen!
  7. Lock it in!!! First digital snowfall IMBY.
  8. First digital snowfall of the season on the GFS for the northwestern crew.
  9. DCA: 11/11 IAD: 10/31 BWI: 11/1 RIC: 11/11 BWI Oct departure: -0.4F
  10. Can’t wait for E7 to nail November and December then E20 bring it home for the rest of winter to get us our very realistic total of 90 inches.
  11. Not everyday you get to see this on visible. Pretty incredible seeing its clouds reach up to Boston.
  12. Honestly the “hurricane sunset” associated with tropical systems is probably what I’m most excited for with this storm.
  13. It then proceeds to hang around combining with another system so it can continue to rain on us till the 5th. Though unlikely to be right I desperately hope its wrong, I can barely stay awake in school when its sunny out and if its cloudy all bets are off.
  14. Just had the most intense thunderstorm of the season come through, heavy rain/wind with a pretty good amount of hail.
  15. Best severe weather day of the season with the latest storm, got a decent amount of pea size hail and some pretty intense gusts with it. Think it was a somewhat localized microburst overhead, either way the rain was needed.
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