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MN Transplant

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Everything posted by MN Transplant

  1. Looks like it’ll be around 1.75” total
  2. Not kidding. Just had a CG somewhere really close that woke up the house.
  3. Regional models certainly doing better today that the globals, which is no surprise. Might be a really late-day high temp (6-7pm?).
  4. Model battle for tomorrow, NAM vs the world. The 3km keeps us in the easterly murk all day, while the other models break us out of it.
  5. Apologies to the Os fans in here, but good lord do they stink.
  6. Jumped almost 10 degrees here in the last 90 minutes and we still don't have much sun. 72.2
  7. About a quarter inch so far. Does look like some clearing coming in 1-2 hours via the visible satellite.
  8. The HRRR is almost never going to be able to nail the exact swaths of precip, so it is best to take it with a grain of salt. The thing that put a damper on any "fun" around DC in the 16z run was the stabilization of the atmosphere ahead of the main line, which gets killed off. 17z on CoD is already more impressive with the cells that pop up after this initial batch.
  9. Up to 72.4 here. Solar has been up above 500 W/m2 at times, but that is in comparison to >800 on a sunny day at this time of year.
  10. Occasionally getting brief bursts of filtered sun. We aren't going to lose the higher clouds, but if we can burn off the lower stuff it'll help.
  11. Wow, different world. I was 68 yesterday. DCA 69.
  12. Have at it! https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/JAS-D-18-0269.1
  13. 0.12” and it appears I am missing the pop-ups this morning too.
  14. 80/60 is fantastic in July. It takes a bit of getting used to again in early April. 81 at home. 83 at DCA.
  15. Some of the totals that the models are putting out for SD/MN are nuts. 3” QPF, mostly snow (ratios bad, but still).
  16. 31. Likely the final freeze at my place.
  17. Nice. We are doing an in-ground fire pit, but I'm not sure what the surround is going to consist of yet. I do know that I want to start digging while the ground is still mush.
  18. This is some 100% Colorado stuff. Crazy graupel/hail.
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