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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. Had a very suspicious reading of 0.18” of rain yesterday. I do not think we broke 1/10” of an inch. Never had a problem with my rain gauge but I’m wondering if the constant wind blown drizzle possibly affected it.
  2. I’ll be in Belize through Monday so maybe I can report live
  3. It won’t amount to anything, but 96L looks like a tropical cyclone. Definitely developed a LLC and has been maintaining convection for at least 12 hours
  4. Unless you just invested a couple grand into fall food plots at your hunt club that have received 1 rain in the last 5 weeks. We missed last Fridays showers
  5. Agree. This needs a post mortem thread so we can archive this on the forum. This was one of the top impacts we’ll ever see and its getting dissected on the general EPAC discussion
  6. That’s what’s so impressive about this is the type of damage modern well built structures took. Not many examples come to mind especially with the high rise damage. There’s no question those taller structures took 200+ mph gusts to produce what we’re seeing. Think about Laura and lake Charles. That was a cat 4 with gusts to near cat 5 measured in the city and those high rises had mostly window damage. This completely gutted entire floors and any windward facades are just gone. It’s not just one building either, it’s all of them. I don’t even think there’s a remote comparison to this storm given the city it hit
  7. This is some of the most high-end pure wind damage you will ever see. This will be one of the all time wind events for a major city. Speechless looking at the images and video coming out of the impact zone. Most amazing this is how quickly this damage occurred. This wasn’t a long buildup, long duration event. This was 1-2 hours of hell that produced this. Essentially an F3 tornado that tore through a major city. Just wow.
  8. Just wow at the videos and pictures coming out of the impact zone. What an intense buzz saw of wind that must’ve been coming through that city
  9. Yep. Mexican govt said all communication to the area is out. Stuff making it out looks like what we thought wed see. The well constructed hotels taking a beating scares me for what the poorer areas are going to look like
  10. https://x.com/pa__tron/status/1717182463884026088?s=46&t=NyKvXvI1o-sJQb-68mmo4g
  11. Devastating structural damage pics coming out now. Going to be a lot of content today
  12. https://x.com/clintonhavi/status/1717113445261185167?s=46&t=NyKvXvI1o-sJQb-68mmo4g https://x.com/cinemacricket12/status/1717132710412706003?s=46&t=NyKvXvI1o-sJQb-68mmo4g https://x.com/mario_moray/status/1717127960509944016?s=46&t=NyKvXvI1o-sJQb-68mmo4g https://x.com/richsaucillo/status/1717142211136024685?s=46&t=NyKvXvI1o-sJQb-68mmo4g
  13. Tammy looking the best it’s looked at any point right now. Might see a higher intensity than the 85 kt forecast if trends continue
  14. This could be the worst all time hit for western Mexico. Cannot imagine a more dire situation, especially given folks had 0 time to prepare
  15. The 10 mb drop between passes of the last recon mission is insane. Nuclear grade red meat in the EPAC this year. Sadly, this one’s aimed for a population center
  16. Wow this thing is a beast. Might be close to cat 5
  17. Wow, somehow Otis has rapidly strengthened into a major. FL winds to 110 kts and unflagged SFMR values near 100 kts. Absolutely insane high end season going on over in the EPAC
  18. First “light” frost of the year this morning on roofs mostly. 37.6 the low
  19. EPAC producing again. Looks like another overachiever though this time all indications are it will slow down and weaken before it approaches this coastline, unlike lidia
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