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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. What’a remarkable with this storm is just how well forecast this RI has been
  2. Based on recon and the fact this thing is still going to town, I think it’s a given we’ve just witnessed the most insane rate of RI in Atlantic history
  3. I cannot emphasize how crazy I think recon would have been for Jova last evening. I truly think that was one of the higher end of higher end storms in our lives. We’ll never truly know how strong it got but it’s structure was perfect and the pinhole eye was terrifying
  4. Rarely does the first recon mission into a storm meet expectations like this but holy moly
  5. Not sure anyone else caught it but the 18z GFS turns Lee into a blizzard in parts of SE Canada
  6. Lee may reach cat 4 by 5 pm. This thing is absolutely going off at the moment
  7. Yep. This storm is going to be an absolute beaut with a pretty eye too. By tomorrow morning (maybe earlier) I expect cat 4
  8. Wow, go back 3 weeks and I’d just like to admit how wrong I was about this season. The Caribbean was sheared, TUTTs were running rampant across the Atlantic, the east coast trough was more dominant than the monsoon trough in western Caribbean, and SAL was killing all African waves shortly after they entered the Atlantic. With ENSO and the promise of El Niño shear becoming an increasing part of the picture, I openly questioned CSUs bullish prediction. How wrong I was. We have entered a hyperactive period in an El Niño year. If you told me the last 10 days of august would feature 6 named storms, 2 majors, and we’d carry that into September I’d laughed at you. But here we are. Lee is going to be a high end hurricane and Margot looks like another storm with major hurricane potential. Just wow for an El Niño year. I admit defeat, I was so very wrong
  9. 97.9 imby. On the subject of RDU, the airport consistently reports max temp readings 3-4 degrees above what I see. They broke 100 today and we were not particularly close EDIT: RDU broke 102 today!
  10. 160 mph Cat 5 at 11 pm. 80 kt increase in intensity since this morning. Absolutely nuclear
  11. I’ll interrupt your regular scheduled programming to tell you to hop over to the EPAC and check out hurricane Jova. One of the most intense bouts of rapid intensification you will see and this thing has likely become a category 5 beast
  12. Hit 95.7 yesterday. Hotter than a hoochie Coochie today. We’ll likely top that…
  13. As expected, loss estimates from Idalia have come way down. While some early estimates placed damage at nearly 20 billion, estimates have fallen to a more paltry number of 3-5 billion https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/private-market-insured-losses-hurricane-idalia-be-3-5-bln-moodys-rms-2023-09-04/
  14. Textbook look on last images of visible this evening. Cannot wait to see this thing explode in the open ocean. I’d say the odds are probably 90% this thing recurves but it may come close enough to cause impacts beyond large waves
  15. Topped out at 95.7 today. Dry as a bone
  16. Isabel was a similar setup to the 18z in terms of ridging though that ridge built in longer driving the storm NW further
  17. I know I just have friends in Tampa and work for the utility company that covers NC, SC, and Fl. It was extremely underwhelming for us (good thing) but 20 billion is extreme and there didn’t seem to be extreme damage but in areas no one lived. My point I guess is if this is the case a cat 1 hitting Tampa would also be a 20 billion $ disaster
  18. Where is the damage? Usually there are picture’s everywhere. Other than a few micro communities and Perry I do not see where this value comes from. In NC where I live there was some flooding down east but nothing you wouldn’t expect from any tropical system. Maybe crop damage jacked it up? I just do not see 20 billion in damage from anything I’ve seen so far
  19. Not sure I’ve ever seen a cluster of storms in such a small area. That’s insanity in the Atlantic right now
  20. 0.85” storm total for Idalia, with an additional 0.15” from the storm the evening before. Exactly an inch between the 2
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