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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. Not for me .. I'm making a point that other people should post their frustrations there. All I'm doing is pointing out that people keep posting all their frustrations and it's okay. As soon as I say something about them doing that, now I'm getting blessed by some of you. You coming for the wrong guy. Back to the weather for me
  2. Well first of all, if you read my post you know that I'm not trying to be the complainer. I'm just making the point that there's a lot of complaining. I'm just trying to bring to light all the sorrow and despair being shared regarding what we're not getting. That's a second time you responded to me telling me I should take a break. If you take time to read my posts then you would respond to me differently.
  3. I feel we should just fold the threads on everything ... A lot of people are frustrated ( I know.. it's just the weather ). But.. when you really enjoy and love the Winter weather like most of us.. it does get frustrating. I know whenever something's posted like this there's people that say get over it, or stop complaining. I'm definitely not here to complain, I'm just making a point that everybody has been complaining and it still happening. Isn't there a section to complain as much as we want?? It just makes coming on here less than desirable with all the crying ...
  4. So.. what's confusing is they are calling for temps in the 30's then into the 20's for highs by next weekend. If the garbage high is retreating.. than how are we getting colder after the storm next Wednesday time frame? I really am hating this Winter. Lol
  5. That's okay. We always have next year. I not really too worried because we'll have snow at some point. As much as I absolutely love the winter and snow, does not dictate life.
  6. So.. someone was saying that the Nam tends to be a model that leans warmer than most.... This however is colder than most of not all models ( and yes.. I know it's still out 4/5 days ). But interesting.
  7. Lololol .. George, I love your reverse psychology. It will snow. If it doesn't snow for the rest of this winter, it will snow next winter. If doesn't snow next winter. It will snow the winter after. The point is it will snow again, and I think sooner than later. You don't have to make yourself and talk yourself into loving a rainstorm because you're so frustrated and fed up with rain after rain after rain. How with that said, I have a rain gauge and a little weather station outside and I love it because it shows me inside what we've seen. Whether it be rain or snow. That's really cool to know.
  8. Well it's actually not the back half of winter yet. First day of winter is December 21st. Last day is March 21st... For one third the way through winter at this point. Unless you're talking about meteorological winter which doesn't make sense because December isn't generally a real wintry month.
  9. Just as the models would show the changes for the better after the 10-day which was not coming to fruition. It seems like it now is happening. I'm not as worried however that 15 days is showing the pattern going back to a bad look as they've been very volatile thus far.... But we shall see.
  10. Please......lolol Trust me. Even after he complains or says he's done ( including this Friday ), as long as there is another possibility of some snow, he'll be right back on board like the rest of us.
  11. Well maybe just maybe one of these will finally come true
  12. Looks like it takes the precipitation right into Saturday
  13. Well.. the word " PATTERN CHANGE " came out of my meteorologist mouth this morning on the news starting the end of next week. I totally respect the crew it WVIT, so for them to use that word, they must see something pretty solid. Fingers crossed
  14. With what we've been given so far this season... This looks exciting!
  15. If there's any good news at all, is that the atmospheric river so to speak should stop after the storm coming ashore in the next day for the west coast. So, what we do see coming in next week will be coming out of Canada as opposed to the Pacific. At least that's a bit of a better setup than it had been.
  16. Flurries just started here. Hmm. Didn't expect to even see that here.
  17. I have a suggestion, just stop posting and stop coming on the forum. Stop your own torture. There's plenty of beer to get you through this disgrace of a Wimter. We'll see you next fall. Have a great summer man!
  18. I'll be sure to pay attention to your lips next time ... Mr. Miyagi The way you go back and forth with your emotions, I love the way you preach ... lol
  19. That's not true. Look back in November. the pattern definitely had a good look to it , especially going into December. So I'm not sure what you're talking about, but back then it had a better look. Go drink yourself some more beer
  20. I was so looking forward to this Winter. Then in on late November everything looked like it be was going be a BIG December and an awesome pattern for Snow lovers. Well.. that never happened. Alright we are mid way through January, and it doesn't look good for the rest of this month ( and I'm not even going think about February at this point ). But... BUT... Just as the pattern has been in the s******, we all know that there's surprises that we do get. Even in these crappy patterns. I'm just waiting for that to happen.. even if it's just once.
  21. Well... Although there's not much in the future model runs to give us high hopes, I'm still hopeful we will pull out a nice sneaky snow event for the Northeast in February. That's all we can do at this point ( although Northern New England should do better ). We will have our winter down this way again.... Just have to wait.
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