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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. I'm giving up. It's one disappointment after another one. Plus, there's so much other crap happening on this site that doesn't even make it enjoyable. Good luck you guys! See you later today.
  2. That's not happening. Gil on WTNH has this over with by early afternoon. Even Bob on NBC said he thinks that it's not coming together like the miles showed yesterday. So maybe some showers this afternoon or rain or snow. I don't think you're getting you're getting your 1"-3"
  3. Yeah.. it's 38.9 here now. Slowly falling as well
  4. Okay now I'm just a little confused. Are we talking about Sunday night to Monday or next weekend? Sorry, as I mentioned it should be called chaos lol
  5. Oh, are you the one they called the Pope? I better listen to you then lol
  6. I think he's bent over and waiting for it! ;-)
  7. I do think that if we can get our temperatures cold enough tonight, and we get a nice burst of precipitation tomorrow, we can even see the rain go over to snow at least in the northern half of the state, even below the higher elevations. It'll be kind of cool to see what happens. Happens. Sometimes. It's just cool seeing rain turned to snow even if it doesn't accumulate that much. Gives us some hope when we see the actual snow coming down lol
  8. I truly feel the same way. I know some of the models are just showing a torch through the rest of January, But there are also indications of some changes in the stratosphere. Things have been so erratic this season with some drastic changes to the models weekly, so I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see it go back to a pattern that could be favorable for some cooler temps and more snow chances. Time will tell, but I think we'll still all be here to see what happens
  9. Well .. maybe this offers be a glimpse of how in this depressing Winter outlook. It's something. All I can offer. It is a very good read I have to say.
  10. Well.. we could start seeing landslides and earthquakes.. lol
  11. Might we see a few inches in the northern half of Connecticut?
  12. Same here. I'm up at 500' in Plainville behind Big Y. It would be nice to see something.
  13. Friday is always been iffy for Connecticut. Then again, most of these systems have been iffy for Connecticut lol. I think for the foreseeable future the only one that looks really decent right now is next weekend. Might we have a chance this Sunday night to see a little something.... maybe. But, the chance is about as high as what we might have seen this Friday.... Which is not a lot. We'll get through this
  14. It only sucks as this winter has been lackluster thus far. Also.. many areas around the Northeast and mid Atlantic are not supposed to be blockbuster areas for snow. We are not the Rockies or Sierra's. ( Trust me... I would LOVE it if we had that kind of Snow. ). We get our big Snows typically from our large Nor'easters or clippers. That's just the way it is unfortunately. Our time will come.
  15. And that is true. However, we are supposed to get into the 60 to 62° range and areas of Connecticut today. But yes, was supposed to be in the 50s for a lot of the week. That didn't happen and it's not happening. We just need a colder pattern to set up, and I'm just not seeing that anytime soon. Into February for something. But we all know that things can change on a dime. So I'm optimistic still
  16. Actually, I am too. I had an epiphany this morning. I am 100% okay if this winter just turns out to be snowless winter. Yes the climate is changing, but no, I don't believe that we will never get a good winter again. I know It will happen. And when it does, we'll appreciate it even more
  17. The one thing that I do feel is with all this major above normal temperature across North America as a whole, it has to have a rubber band effect. Maybe we'll see the snapback as we head into February. Or, we'll just get one of those huge storm events bringing us a major winter storm. I just have a real feeling about it this year. Only time will tell
  18. It has been quite some time since we've seen one of those clippers dive out of Manitoba and redevelop off the coast of Virginia and roar up the coast at a snails pace. We're overdue. We are overdue. Just not sure that this weather pattern la Nina is conducive for Clippers. Might have to wait till next year for a really good chance at a clipper system ( but there's always a chance ).
  19. Well... This is not good news ( I believe ). It's funny, but I know that guy , Mark something was touting a Stratospheric event happening as we speak? That guy must be off is rocker. Lol
  20. If they don't choose to go into the panic room to whine? Then what?
  21. Well, all I can say is I hope you are wrong. :-)
  22. You know that's what I've been saying all along. I've said it in a very easy and simple way originally, but I just had people give me the weenie symbol or make a comment about my post. It is embarrassing. I'm 51, have a very good job. Love, daughter. We just adopted. Life is good. But when I come on here, it's always chaos, people putting people down. Even with my comments, when I try to cool things down, I get put down. I come on here because I want to discuss the weather. I want to discuss what things might be coming. If it doesn't snow it doesn't snow. It's just the way it is. But there's so many people in here that just attack and put down others for what they have to say. It's actually a joke. The thought has crossed my mind to just stop coming on here. But I keep coming because I'm hoping that people can just discuss the weather. Even if it's something small, sometimes that leads to something larger. Or something that surprises us. That's what made me fall in love with the whether when I was a kid. Even in today's modern technology, there are surprises and things we can't predict. Hope this gets through to done off you and we get a real forum going.
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