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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. Lol .. you LOVE your ice storms. Don't think that's happening though. I'd rather it be a long duration of sleet and snow!
  2. A bunch of dysfunctional b****** on here. But I still can't seem to leave lol. One snow event will bring us all back.
  3. I know. This Particular post from him was not.. But in general he is an instigator. I'll just let it go.
  4. Hey guys, I just want to point out our number One instigator. Since we're going to throw digs at everyone and this is the type of form we're on, let's hear how you all feel about this guy. :-)
  5. Wow.. this forum is dysfunctional. All we see is attacks on everyone thoughts of what we could see. It's all negative. Not a setting that makes for a good forum or a decent discussion. Also.. I though we had a separate thread for Winter Banter? It all seems to be in the January discussion ( or any strom thread we create ). Lastly, why in the hell do we allow the few members that post just to antagonize to be able to post at all? Isn't their a moderator that can block that? Trust me.. many of you guys and gals on here are great. We all get frustrated that the Winter has been pretty sad as of late. But... Don't you guys get tired of the banter and also the negative posts that we are seeing. Let's just see what happens with the upcoming few months. It is far from over. Even if we have a 2-3 week period like we had last year towards February, isn't that worth something?
  6. Let's try a different approach. Let's look at a few of our big blizzards we've had over the last 10 years and what weather pattern was showing to the upcoming event. Did we have an epic pattern showing up before we had the big snow storms, or was it just meh? Let's look at the two big snow storms. The one in 2013 which I believe was Juno, and the one in 2015.
  7. Look.. I get what you guys are saying. But, who be are we to judge what anyone does on here. And who gave any of us the right to beat down someone else's opinions. I know the kid can be over the top, but there is a signal of something. As of today we would be within 7 days from any possible storm threat ( whether you agree or not ) What really gets me is we be allow comments from some members who only post to push people's buttons. They add ZERO to our discussions yet their posts are being allowed. If George wanted to start a thread for this or any other threat ( wrong it right ) it's no one's right on here to tell him he can't. Remember, you don't have to respond to it if you feel like it doesn't make sense ( and I think many of you have started posts that led in the wrong direction by the time the " threat " was here.
  8. Start one George. They aren't the know all day all! At least you are willing to take a chance!
  9. You can either join in the discussion or bow out gracefully. Poor soul
  10. I'm not saying you're wrong, ...you're right. The one thing I don't get about this forum is the fact that everyone seems to have to one up each other and put down each other when it comes to what's going to happen this season or what's not going happen. What happened to just debating what could or couldn't happen without putting each other down or coming down hard on someone when they have something to say of a possible outcome. Trust me guys, I'm not sensitive. Just the banter that gets to me sometimes. And don't we have a category for that? Lol
  11. Yeah I know. But I wanted to post the maps anyway. There's a chance. There's a chance
  12. That's about right for your area. I think you guys in New Jersey are totally screwed for this winter. Sucks for you
  13. Ok.. so then this Winter will be below normal. What do you think we should do? Should we close the winter thread down? From what you're saying, it doesn't seem viable to keep the forum going ( as far as the Winter season goes for us in the east ). I'd rather that than keep seeing you beat yourself up like you are. Me myself... I'm staying on the forum. Something will come up to get us all back in the game. If not this Winter season than the next.
  14. Yeah, not sure where your info is from. It's not going to be 21 days though. I give it to the end of next week where we see the changes. About 10 days.
  15. By the sounds of a bunch of you, you sound like whiny defeated children. Winter has a ways to go. There will some winter and some surprises. A lot of you seem to want to have winter for the entire season of winter which never happens, especially in southern New England. Let's focus on what might happen and if this winter turns out to be a bust, it's a bust. There's always another year. Now just wait for the fun comments from my post. Look at me something good to laugh about
  16. I know, it's so sad. But it's all we got at this point.
  17. George.... I'm your biggest fan. Don't give up that enthusiasm and dream big!! Yes..we may not get those big storms that you might post about, but no harm no foul. And don't let anyone diminish your excitement ( but listen to what some of us have to say as it will only give you more wisdom as life goes on ). Happy holidays bud!
  18. Here comes. Pretty intense line of rain. Getting ready to come up to us, looks like there's a quick transition over to some snow right after. Winds already. Starting to gust again
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