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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. So.. Be should this be ignored? Any other support for this?
  2. Lololol .. you're something else man. Thanks for the laugh though .. lololol
  3. Listen.... You went out in a limb. I'm sure you did some great research to come up with your forecast. I'm in. Even if it doesn't turn out to be a Winter... I'm in until it's over. We have still have time
  4. I posted a couple of his blogs about the stratospheric warming events, and I got blasted by some of these guys that he's not legit or it's nonsense. So don't be surprised when you get comments back about the same thing lol. Just giving you a heads up. But I'm still optimistic with you
  5. I hope we do get that change. If things do make a change after the 21st, people will forget about their " cancel winter ", and embrace the changes. I am still optimistic. I cannot give up until winter's over. And I'm sure everybody else feels the same way, or you wouldn't still be here.
  6. I am still optimistic for after next week. I will not give up until March ( and I know everyone else feels the same, otherwise they wouldn't bother coming back on the forum each day ). The life of a Winter Weather enthusiast.
  7. But sure to are correct. Things are up in the air but have trended to have more of a change to colder weather here in the east. We shall see.
  8. Lolololol ok. If this turns out to be the final solution then I have had it with this Winter. It's comical at this point. Oy Ve
  9. Maybe not for you... But I was happy with the few weeks we had.
  10. Look at last winter. It was crap until we got into those for a few weeks of February where it was pretty awesome. I doubt highly that you wouldn't jump back on the bandwagon if we were together. Great couple of weeks of some good winter. Sucks balls, but if we can get a few weeks at least of a solid winter season or one big storm, that would make it up for all of us I think. And I think you'll be part of that group too, like the rest of us
  11. I truly wouldn't. Your forecasts should have worked out better than it did. There were things at play beyond any model output. Plus... No one has mentioned much about the volcanic blast from last January ( which was one of the biggest in recent history ). I think that really played havoc on the entire world ( both hemispheres ).
  12. Your right. I am was wrong. Guess I'm super touchy and frustrated too. I let my emotions get be ahead of me. Sorry man.
  13. At this point... I'd just take one big storm. It's just the waiting game that sucks.
  14. Hey... Runnawayiceberg & hoarfrosthubb.. leave this guy alone. You guys are two bullies. Let him have his meltdown... A lot of us are having our own meltdowns and doing it in our own way. Not sure why we find the need to comment negatively or to make a joke or of someone for your benefit. Grow up guys.
  15. It's so disappointing. I admit that the way this Winter has gone so far it bums me out. Time to take a long break. See you guys when there is something to actually track that includes Snow. Qg and Torch Tiger. You guys win.
  16. Can you say that with 100% assurance? With a high pressure to the north...if that links up just right, well there is our source. It's it likely.. no.. but it's there a chance, sure.
  17. So that's your call for a storm that is for next weekend. Ok... sounds like a smart call. I'm glad you gave us your hard wisdom.
  18. Oh no.... Christmas 2022 again...lol ( Joking of course )
  19. I have to laugh reading comments from several of you ( although there are a select few who I've come to be respect where you are optimistic, but also realistic ). I don't know any of you, and I'm not trying to get in your circle ( frankly, with some of the responses to my posts, I really wouldn't want to be in that circle anyway ). With that said.. there are a bunch of hypocrites on this forum. It's like watch Jekyll and Hyde.. lol Regarding this threat for next weekend, no one has a crystal ball. Are the chances higher that it will be a miss or a rainstorm, yes. The weather pattern we're in is really not all that conducive for real winter here in the east. But, there is a chance that this can work out for a lot of us. I'd love to fast forward to next Friday....
  20. You're the biggest child on here. Not even sure why I responded to you. You need to grow up man. Other than that, have a great day ( and stock up on some tissues ).
  21. That's not what they're showing. What they're showing is the storm going off the coast. The whole high pressure system will be worked out as we get closer. Don't be so bitter because you didn't get your snow today
  22. Not sure I'm allowed to post this.. but borrowed this from another forum. All three ensembles have a similar look for next weekend. Hope this can hold.
  23. Looks like it's over ( never began ) for NECT. That's going by the radar!!
  24. So many times I wanted to comment and react to his posts ( and I have before ), but I've stopped doing that. All the guy cares about is trying to make other people feel bad. He is like that bully who loves to break people down to mask is own unhappiness. It just goes to show you what kind of life he's is living. Let him bask in his own sunshine/darkness. Can't fix that
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