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Everything posted by JakkelWx

  1. Fire Harbaugh . Jets just scored a TD and a 2 pt conversion. 42-19 now. The special ed teams suck tonight.
  2. As soft as -10 degree cold powder. Ravens Special teams are bleeding.
  3. His right arm just flew off did ya just see that??
  4. Jt missed the ep. Maybe tucker should retire and be replaced with cody parkey
  5. I predict that everyone who was born in the year 2000 will be dead by 2200. Also it's receivers not recievers!
  6. CNN is by FAR the best news source. It's up there with The Onion.
  7. 33ar does have some cutthroat subs though. They have this one thread called "index to papers and presentations" and I dind it very nteresting.
  8. Who's Jakkel138? He seems like a really great guy. At least it got 8 reactions!
  9. Yeah their rule has a few flaws. But RIP my inbox
  10. GEFS looks very nice for the December 22 threat. Unfortunately I won't be posting maps anymore because the information I get is from 33andrain. Can't be ripping maps from that forum man! Here is the reminder, in case anyone hasn't read it yet: By the way, I DO admit to taking screenshotting content from 33andrain in the past. I am 100% guilty of doing this.
  11. I have a feeling snowboy19 is a clone of Dr Dewche
  12. Does anyone have the latest QBO data? I'm not so sure where to look. Any websites? @C.A.P.E. So far the QBO has been one of the factors has or is going to work in our favor moving forward. Now that it's December and the QBO is in a favorable spot and has granted CAPE's wishes so far, hopefully it stays between -5 and +5 throughout the winter.
  13. A follow up on my post from Aug. 10 from the "Is next winter looking like a disaster" thread: PSU alluded to my post about how east based Nina's are better than west. While I do see that the east based cooling has somewhat expanded westward, I see a Modoki signature in the western central Pacific. ENSO progression to me still doesn't look less favorable than it did in August. Wouldn't mind slightly more warming in the CPAC tho. I see above average water temps in the NAtl near Greenland as well, which indicates a -NAO. Pacific somewhat resembles a victoria mode PDO. One thing I wish I did was save the ENSO anomaly map on that day and put it in one of my file folders for future reference.
  14. The 12z EPS is BN from about 12/17 to the end of the run.
  15. I still got a snowpack in a shady area behind my house. Will it last into Christmas? Side note: I took some of that snow and put it into my freezer so when Christmas comes I'll spread the hardened snow over the grass so I get a white Christmas.
  16. We flash freeze into a tray of ice cubes if that verifies
  17. GFS is still showing a similar HECS albeit 3 days earlier. Lock it in:
  18. GEFS has a nice blocking signal. Would crush weenie dreams if this didn't verify.
  19. GFS with the sh*ts and giggles at the end of the run
  20. Didn't expect to wake up to about an inch of snow OTG this morning, eyeballing it. I was expecting a dusting at most when I woke up, which I usually do three quarters before 6 AM Edit: Unfortunately it's ending earlier than I expected though.
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