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Everything posted by JakkelWx

  1. Eagles lose 31-37 to the Dolphins
  2. It appears another rain band formed after I said it
  3. Stupid call by the refs to not call it pass interference
  4. Cmon rain haul it outta Baltimore
  5. Rain will have mostly cleared out of Baltimore by 1 PM, which is the start of the game. Not looking likely to have a major impact on the game.
  6. At least he doesnt get too upset over being called mentally ill.. lol check out this tweet
  7. Oof.. It seems that Delaware kid was very passionate about weather then lol. From the looks of it he profusely apologized on twitter earlier today but he's probably going to go back to his old ways again. The internet is a powerful place.
  8. What's even spookier is the NAO looks to be at least moderately positive after basically tomorrow although we have a +PNA building on the ensembles as well.
  9. By the looks of it that copycat could be lurking on the forum right at this second.. keep an eye out. Edit: A quick little search and a user "WeathermanB" pops up. Apparently a banned poster from March of last year. It appears that poster still hasn't learned any lessons.
  10. What kind of person would copy your exact same words verbatim and post them on someone's twitter account? That's downright plagiarism right there. Glad he was called out in the tweet below (he also admitted to it)
  11. He seems to have some negativity to anyone who disagrees with him. He called one met an "armchair meteorologist" which hurt me even though I'm only a weather hobbyist lol.
  12. Not quite there yet but I'm hangin' on a 3 inch ledge on the edge of a 5 mile high cliff. It's close. Is there a parachute package just in case I jump early and immediately regret doing it after?
  13. This shouldn't really be my hobby.. I was always absurdly negative when I wouldn't get snow back when I was a kid and as an adult I still do get overly upset over frozen water.
  14. Looking forward to stuffing my mouth with turkey and cornbread.
  15. Happy Thanksgiving Terrible trends on the models for snow down here. Basically zilch. You know its bad when it barely even shows backend snow here. Congrats NE. Wasted a good pattern only for it to snow way north inland but that's just climo
  16. 1 inch of snow for the northern part of the subforum on the latest EPS mean. A little more in NE MD and northern DE. Still not much but heading in the right direction.
  17. Mid Atlantic winters are bustableble
  18. Can somebody start the thread for this upcoming rain storm?
  19. Oymyakon, RU gets location of the day... Currently minus 47F there right now.
  20. The snow event looks hella lame down here.. waste of a good pattern.. Next winter I accidentally posted in the wrong forum btw.. sorry NY forum. I'll be more careful lol. Edit: Thread not forum
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