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Everything posted by JakkelWx

  1. It's actually quite nice outside. Just came down with the flu over the past 6 hours or so, but somehow no vomiting. Just excessive burping and a fever, with a cough that you can't get rid of no matter how many times to try to clear your throat. Gatorade helps.
  2. Not sure if you agree but it seems like most summers in the 2010s decade have been a scorcher. I've noticed a trend with higher dewpoints each summer, and less desert style heat
  3. Look on the bright side guys. Looks like two cold days to make it feel like deep winter (fri and sat) at the end of this week. Then it's back to Februly.
  4. Drinking lots of water is a necessity also. Flushes out a lot of toxins in your body.
  5. 12/11 - 0.9'' Total: 0.9'' I do believe I recorded a trace sometime in the past 2 months but I don't remember the exact date.
  6. At this point - I don't really care about snow anymore. Seasonal affective disorder is getting to me and I just want it to be warm now. I don't want a repeat of the last two Marches. Just lots of sunshine. I'm sure a few people agree with me on that sentiment as well.
  7. Nope.. no thunder. I would guess probably around 2-3'' per hour since as soon as I stepped outside it was an instant coating on my jacket and pants. Also not sure if this happens to you but some dreams I have it's like a weird distortion effect and even with the sun out it's still somehow "dark". It's as if the Earth had no atmosphere, but the sun is shining directly overhead.
  8. I just had a dream that I was at one of my relative's house and it was absolutely ripping with huge and small dendrites mixed in, along with low visibility. You know it's desperate when you're dreaming about snow in February.
  9. At this point we can start sacrificing bunnies
  10. 40 days and 40 nights but its 33 and rain the whole time
  11. Sadly a real fear this winter.. trending north like the previous 9.9x10^3 storms have.
  12. Damn that 00z euro looking sexy! lollies of 6 inches on the eastern shore
  13. It's always nice to pass the time in this boring winter with a 30 dollar private flash dance, right?
  14. 45 degrees with bright sunshine. Also lol at the groundhog that predicted early spring... it's been spring since December. Sent from my 1999 Blackberry 850 using Tapatalk
  15. I'll take what I get at this point. At least any rain that comes won't be a miserable 33 and rain. Lots of 40s, 50s and a couple 60s.
  16. So much for "el nino gives us a lot of snow"
  17. We don't have a single low below freezing in the forecast for the next 10 days
  18. At least there won't be another winter like this for a while. But then again there could've been a huge storm in feb or march to bring the total way up. Could be my famous last words. Hope we do way better next year.
  19. Yeah. That forum is garbage.
  20. I must of made them mad when I told them I was leaving the board. My words were "I wish you the best of luck. Sad that you're about to lose a member. I'm just not feeling the vibe on this board, sorry." I tried to sound the least mean as possible. I probably used the wrong choice of words, but whatever
  21. In the lower 40s here in the countryside. We have pretty average weather for basically this whole week. No rain till Sat. Couple AN days here and there.
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