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Everything posted by Brewbeer

  1. Looks like activity is picking up, C7 CME the other day.
  2. Raining pretty hard in downtown Springfield. No wind yet, still under the inversion
  3. It would be better to keep the stench over there.
  4. Yeah, it's definitely not for weak-willed or thin-skinned folks. Some end up leaving because they can't take it and end up melting.
  5. There is a politics subforum only 2 clicks away and it has a covid thread.
  6. This kinda makes it sound like people don't make enough money for the work they do when they are working.
  7. The speculation I've seen is the sale date of the CEO's shares was predetermined some time ago. The CEO just timed his comments to influence the share price just before the shares were scheduled for sale. It stinks, but probably not breaking any laws.
  8. The narrow result is awful for the country, it would have been better for it to have been a blow out one way or the other. Phin is right, this election has done nothing to close the divide. If anything, it will make it worse.
  9. This year holidays are immediate family only. No friends, no distant relatives attending. T-day is usually at my in-laws, not this year.
  10. Snow's over, blue sky showing through the clouds. Up to 33F.
  11. 32F here in death valley, still snowing, but melting at about the same rate. No accumulations on paved surfaces in Springfield.
  12. Flakes mixing in here now in lower death valley 35F.
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