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Everything posted by CheeselandSkies

  1. Every year I keep thinking that and every year it's more of this crap. Even the much-anticipated stretch in 2019 underproduced. Yes there was Dayton in this sub but most of the days turned out underwhelming compared to their ceiling. I was thinking Northern IL was primed for Rochelle 2.0 that day (and was actually chasing this time), but the surface winds veered.
  2. True, but just as a rough proxy for activity levels.
  3. This chart reaffirms the perception in my memory that 2008 was awesome. Unfortunately I was 22, just out of college, and didn't have the financial resources to chase. I was surprised to see 2006 so high, since that is almost universally reviled as an awful chase season. Your post explains things, guessing that was the outbreaks on 3/12 and 4/2 responsible for most of those?
  4. ...but with like 15kt of deep layer flow, right?
  5. That's surprising since 1993 was the year of the epic upper Mississippi flooding. Of course, this year we are also seeing how stark the dividing line between the precip haves and have-nots over a short distance in this region.
  6. Fresh from busting hard in KS, staying the night in DDC which seemed like a good jumping off point for tomorrow but now that looks to be trending down as well. Yet another sign I should just give up this f***ing hobby. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  7. Heading out this afternoon, target for tomorrow still somewhat up in the air. Either south-central NE or western KS. Then I'll be in position for Thursday's action, as well.
  8. Could possibly expand this to include Wednesday, as well. The two days might be a fairly noteworthy event all told. Friday and the weekend are still rather nebulous, a few GFS runs depicted potential huge days in that timeframe (like Plains-wide 3KM EHI ≥10) but it seems to have backed off on that.
  9. Yeah, I have this week off and am looking into Wednesday as a chase day, and possibly Thursday-Friday. GFS has been very up and down on the weekend, and my fiancee would rather I not be gone that long.
  10. Spring, henceforth known as "the season I used to look forward to because of its active weather."
  11. Some thunder, please. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  12. Felt a little woozy overnight but good for now. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  13. 2nd shot of Moderna today. 6.5 hours in, slightly stiff upper arm where the injection was done but nowhere near as sore as the first time. First one was as bad or worse than a tetanus shot.
  14. Such a stark divide between the haves and the have nots. You expect this with snow, but geez. So far this "wet" period hasn't done as much to chip away at our deficit as I'd hoped. We need a big booming MCS that pours and roars for an hour or so.
  15. GFS shows some potential events next week but they're generally much more localized and a lot farther west than depicted above.
  16. For MBY (2~ish hours from you) MKX has chances through Friday, then again from Sunday through the end of the 7-day. Although it rained decently from yesterday afternoon through this morning, we have yet to see a real, sustained downpour here in 2021, and I haven't even heard thunder yet this year. Wouldn't have seen lightning either if not for some distant, isolated thunderstorms that were going while I was driving in to work one night the first week of April.
  17. I think SPC mentioned it in yesterday's DY4-8 but they kind of removed the reference today, and the DY3 Marginal is nowhere close.
  18. TBH it looks like a pretty classic West Texas dryline setup. Not sure why tornado probabilities aren't higher/hatched. High-ish cloud bases due to expected hot temperatures, perhaps?
  19. Check with India, see how that's going for them.
  20. Yes, we finally get the moisture up here. Only problem is, it's May; where's the ****ing 500mb shear? @andyhb posted back in Feb that the long range climate models were showing something like this happening. I wanted to believe that they couldn't possibly be right at that range. Welp.
  21. Hail-driven though, tornado probabilities remain at a seasonably meh 5%.
  22. I remember there being some concern that the Western drought would expand throughout the Plains this spring. Thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case. Upper Midwest has seen significant improvement of late, but we here in southern WI are still running a pretty substantial rainfall deficit for the year, and southern Lower MI is even worse.
  23. Polar opposite severe weather activity between the bolded and unbolded pairs. I'm pretty sure ENSO is useless as a predictor.
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