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Everything posted by Paleocene

  1. Not trying to junk it up too much with maps in here, but at 00z weds, the presentation of the EPS is pretty similar. Maybe a hair east. Lows more tightly clustered around the mean.
  2. So, 12z summary of 120-144 OP runs: CMC - west/rain95/snow favored spots UKMET - west decent snow/bit of snow for 95 GFS - nice for all Euro - what storm? ICON - east/meh/nothingburger Let's take the median ??
  3. To my untrained eye its path is a bit further south (and east) on 12z. 00z: 12z:
  4. quick someone tell me why the GFS is right and the CMC is wrong because its the CMC, right?
  5. It loves to do this when digital snow is on the digital ground. Maybe it's a sign it really believes in the snowpack.
  6. Surface temp profile as precip moves in/out. Pretty good. 850s better.
  7. Thanks. Is there a document/link somewhere that explains what the % shares that make up NBM are? Are those temporally consistent or do they shift?
  8. Credit to @Terpeast here, the presentation of what happens to the saturday-sunday cutter has changed dramatically over the last 48 hours on the GFS. TPV further east, no low spinning backward over the hudson, etc. I buy in to the "models need to see what's coming next" theory... chaos theory etc
  9. Where's @NorthArlington101's cycle? We're BACK BABY
  10. We had a lot of flickers in the 20910 zip code in the afternoon yesterday, but no outages. I have been impressed with Pepco reliability in my nhood (where I have been since 2020). Knock on wood.
  11. I'm here to chase cold, and at least the GFS is consistent with that.
  12. From Sorrento, ME (across the bay from Bar Harbor). The red house is a former captain's house on a now nonexistent pier, it is about 5' above high tide at mean level usually. this is a pic of a road in the same town that follows the coast; those trees on the other side of the road are also usually about 5-6 feet above mean high tide.
  13. This storm did not hit the Pepco service area too hard. only 0.1% of customers have an outage. https://secure.pepco.com/FaceBook/Pages/outagemap.aspx
  14. WTOP says the bay bridge is closed. Edit: sorry, been that way for a while apparently https://wtop.com/weather-news/2024/01/easy-breezy-but-certainly-not-beautiful-heavy-wind-and-rain-to-cover-dc/
  15. Parts of the backyard converting to pond status here in silver spring. Wind getting a bit gustier.
  16. The chase for modeled cold is looking good though:
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