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Scarlet Pimpernel

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Posts posted by Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. 4 minutes ago, Scraff said:

    Sadly the Scraff Beer Fridge Index took a big hit and went negative today. I’m deeply concerned….not about snow you fools, but my liver! :drunk:

    You unfortunately need to flush it out with (Pac) Puke for awhile.  Then let the cold beer re-generate once the MJO beer index gets out of the no beer circle of death, and the -SBFI (negative Scraff Beer Fridge Index) is able to go positive again!

    • Haha 1
  2. 13 hours ago, RickinBaltimore said:

    So for you college football fans. If FSU wins tonight, who gets spot 4 in the playoff? Bama or Texas?

    The way the FSU/Louisville game is going, the Seminoles will be lucky to escape with a win.  Absolutely pathetic offense for FSU, and the Cardinals have kept them close.  I thought they would start taking control after that long run and TD, but now they let Louisville get right back in it.

    (ETA:  Well, an ugly win, but I'm sure they'll take it!  Defense clearly won the game for FSU.)

  3. 1 hour ago, aldie 22 said:

    Welp....here we are in mid December already Happy New Year everyone hope you have a special person picked out for Valentine's day and don't forget Easter is in a few weeks. Shame it didn't snow this winter I used to love snow...still do I just don't remember what it looks like anymore...oh well maybe next year. Have a good weekend don't eat too much chocolate it's bad for your teeth...guess I'll go answer my landline phone now...bye

    Dayum!  I see the back edge of the Holiday season already!

    • Haha 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, aldie 22 said:

    Welcome to the season of posts that contain 27 not time to panics 24 buts 29 yets 14 bads and 59 i'm just keeping it realz

    Sounds like a song that could become like the 12 Days of Christmas for the Mid-Atlantic forum!  Actually, that should be more like a 12 Step Grief Plan...but anyhow:

    27 not-time-to panics,

    29 more yets,

    59 i'm-just-keeping-it-realz,

    An inch of snow for PSU,

    15 Reapers a-reaping,

    And a Panic Room in a Pear Tree!!

    • Haha 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, H2O said:

    Is this the start of cancelled winter or winter starts and then gets cancelled?  I’m so confused 

    It's the start of the beginning of the cancellation that will be un-canceled and un-un-cancelled several times.

    I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less  than half of you half as well as you deserve." | Geeky quotes, Tolkien,  Funny

    • Haha 4
  6. 9 hours ago, Jebman said:

    C'Mon George BM! I know you got another epic blizzard yarn for us!


    I don't know if I could imitate @George BM's amazing start-of-the-month Banter thread tales...but just for you Jeb:

    <@Jebman imitation>Yarn!  Yeah, you bet!  All you folks in the Mid-Atlantic are going to need TONS of yarn to knit thick sweaters to stay warm in the EPIC ICE-AGE COLD you're going to experience this winter!  While you're out shoveling TONS of FEET of SNOW in your warm sweaters and jackets, you'll forget all about PSU's inch! </@Jebman imitation> :D

    • Haha 1
  7. 16 hours ago, WxWatcher007 said:


    'Twas a good time. Retired now. Had the best nap of my life after my Thanksgiving meal. 

    Hope you and yours had a great Thanksgiving as well! 



    Looks like you had the extra lean Thanksgiving meal!  Cute dog, too!  Did you toss him any bones to fetch...oh, wait, perhaps bad idea!  ("OK, Spot...hand me back my ribs now!")

    Hope you had a good holiday as well!

    The Panic Room was indeed brilliant and funny.  I don't know where you got all those images over the years, but they were great!  Don't let the crap posts around here drive you away.

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  8. 44 minutes ago, WesternFringe said:


    What punt?

    This board has pretty consistently been thinking a cold snap this week and next (with a small chance for a wave Dec 5/6 and a small chance for a second wave Dec 8-12) followed by a warm up before it gets cold again and we head towards peak climo in a moderate nino with some pretty nice analog years.

    People need to chill.  Freaking out doesn’t make it snow.  If it did, we would have been dumped on the last 3 years.  All it does is make this board a more miserable place and turn off great posters like Bob Chill.  

    I always like a good FAKE PUNT!  Like the one FSU pulled against Auburn in the 2014 BCS championship game, that sparked the Seminoles' comeback win!


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  9. 53 minutes ago, WxWatcher007 said:


    Winter is honest to God the most dumb time of year on AmWx. After trying for years to use humor to redirect conversation I just can’t take it anymore. 

    Wait a minute...all this time I thought the Reaper meant serious bid'niz!!!  Now we hear it was all for amusement?!?! :weep::lol:

    But you do have a point, winter can definitely be the most dumb (even dumberer!!) time of year on here!! :lol:

    And in all honesty, I really appreciated your humor!

    • Haha 1
  10. 6 hours ago, mattie g said:

    What I find the most annoying is the truly disingenuous posts from experienced/long-time posters. Whether those are trolling posts, ones simply made to get a response, or even ones made out of ignorance, they irritate me to no end because they end up pushing a bunch of weenies to cry in their Cheerios and shit up the thread.

    I know exactly what you mean, and I've seen the same.  Kinda annoys me as well.

  11. 9 hours ago, Jebman said:

    Where is The Reaper?

    Just in case the winter does not pan out and I jump, I want to be Reaped. And buried in the deep Mammoth snows.

    OMG, it's OVER!!!!  If the @Jebman is contemplating a reaping you know it's bad!  It would be @WxWatcher007's greatest triumph I suspect, if the Reaper actually takes the ultimate snow optimist's soul!!  He might even come out of retirement for that! :lol:

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    Thanks for this post. And I gotta say to you and others: I was a part of the problem that drove you all away, and I own that, and feel awful for it quite often. I'm working on changing and slowly but surely making progress, but there's no undoing my part. I apologize to you and everybody else...striving to be better and perhaps make up for it somehow It's a process...

    I too miss your insights: but I totally get why you left. It is indeed a time suck and online is...online, lol Glad you made the decision for your own mental health. Always good to see ya drop in though!

    I'm not @Bob Chill and don't even play him on Snow-TV :lol:, but chiming in here to say good on you for recognizing if you perhaps got "out of hand" with some posts, etc.  Hell, we all do that!  You cannot change what happened or what was said of course, but it is possible to just move on and better oneself afterward.  Don't look back and dwell too much (this coming from someone who tends to dwell waaaay too much at times, which I do!).  I'd wager most people would be willing to recognize if one changes for the better, and see you for the better.

  13. 1 minute ago, dailylurker said:

    I love this place. It's full of weirdos (interesting people) and deep thinkers. There's all walks of life here. The one thing we all share is that we're different then probably 95% of the population. We're gifted with a very deep connection to nature. We're a group of unique fokes and the conversations reflect that. Our Mid Atlantic fourm is the funniest on the board imo. This place cracks me up all the time. Welcome back, Bob! Great to see your doing well and finding peace. Gorgeous place!

    Pin on Favorite Movies

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    • Haha 3
  14. 1 hour ago, Bob Chill said:

    Thing is, banter in disco thread is totally fine... at certain times that are easy to identify. But that's not how it's been working. When there's a lull, yuk it up. It's fun.

    When it's crowded with lurkers and disco posters, just shut the heck up man. Critical thinking is a lost art or... people purposefully choose "poor timing" for maximum (emotional) effect. Imho- that's bad faith, period. Not "oopsie sorry". Just bad behavior with a broken moral compass.


    That drove me out of here specifically. Started getting rises out of me. My post history shows my transition in real time. One day i scanned my post history and was very disappointed in the way my behavior was changing so I had to call it quits being a regular.

    Hey there @Bob Chill!  Good to see you in here again, and let me first say those fall pics are amazing!!  I totally love fall and fall colors.

    Agree totally with you.  Some banter or yukking it up in the LR thread is fine when there's not really a whole lot going on, or if there's a lot of "hypothetical" pattern watching for the medium and beyond period.  I admit I post a certain amount of banter in there, though I also will reply and post it in the Banter thread here as well.  But yeah, when things get going and there's an actual threat on the horizon, or when we go into "storm mode", banter should be a minimum.  Like you, I found myself getting at times really aggravated at some of the doom-posting and other BS, some of it done deliberately.  But I've become a bit more "Zen" about it and let it go, only paying attention to or replying to posts with actual content.  Doesn't mean I don't get frustrated when snow chances fall apart...but it's freaking weather!  And I don't feel the need to put 1000 posts on here agonizing about how I feel!  LOL!!

    I'm sorry you were kind of driven out of here with all that.  I hope that now maybe you'll be able to stop on by in here more despite some of the crap (though I can understand it's not easy!).  As I mentioned in the LR thread a short while ago, your input is always welcome here, and I've gotten a lot out of the knowledge you and others impart.

  15. 2 hours ago, mappy said:

    It’s not even winter yet and the long range thread is messy af

    I know, right?!?!  Can't even get to Thanksgiving dinner before several people (you know who!) post doom and gloom that we aren't going to get any snow during the current/upcoming cold period.  IT'S NOT EVEN DECEMBER!!  Anyone expecting "real" snow this month...well, I got nothing! :lol:

  16. 11 hours ago, jayyy said:

    We are in a completely different situation this time around. CAPE, PSU, Brooklyn and many others have taken the time to thoroughly explain the reasons why this winter’s overall pattern is vastly different than years past. Does it mean we’ll see an 09-10 type winter? No. Maybe we do get extremely unlucky again. Wouldn’t be the first niño to fail and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. But the weather doesn’t give a crap about our feelings. At the end of the day, science is the name of the game. It is and always will be the driving force behind our outcomes - good and bad.

    I know this is an older post (catching up in here on all the..."fun"!), but I agree  Many knowledgeable people in here have called for a much more favorable setting compared to previous winters (as you indicate, @psuhoffman, @CAPE, @brooklynwx99, etc.).  Of course, nobody is calling for a 2009-10 redux (though we'd take it!) or even a single HECS type storm, and nothing is "guaranteed".  But it should be far better...maybe a low bar to cross, but still.  Hell, last winter I got all of 0.5" snow on Feb. 1 that was gone before noon, and some snow-TV sometime at the end of Feb.  Not even a single illustrious PSU-inch for the season!! :lol: Other than that and the mini Arctic blast around Christmas there was nothing; in my opinion it's hard to do worse (oh, and don't forget the +5 to +7 temperature departure, too!).

    • Like 5
  17. 2 hours ago, WxUSAF said:

    Will the -NAO save winter?  Will Hoffman get his 1"?  Will we be wearing bikinis for Xmas?

    Ha!  Well, Cleveland holds its annual Polar Bear Plunge into Lake Erie during the middle of winter (proceeds do go to charity)!!  Bunch of crazy people in bathing suits jumping into freezing water!!

  18. Happy Thanksgiving, AmWX Mid-Atlantic Family!!!  A couple of photos...Japanese maples at the Audubon Nature Center, the color was insane, like an impressionist painting!  And, a black and white of the National Cathedral taken from the rooftop deck where I currently live in Bethesda.





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