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Scarlet Pimpernel

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About Scarlet Pimpernel

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  • Location:
    Bethesda, MD (20814)

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  1. Damn that looks tasty! I always like a good omelet!!
  2. Yes...it was reddish due to the haze and whatever else in the air plus the moon being so low on the horizon (lots of refraction...notice how the moon looks rather oblong in that photo due to that). The "blood moon", I believe, refers to what you'd see during a lunar eclipse...which is a totally different thing, the moon passing through the earth's shadow and it turns a spectacular orange-red when total, then moves out of the shadow. Here's what the moon looks like during a lunar eclipse, from the one we had recently in Nov. 2022:
  3. I took that Friday evening from the rooftop of my place. The moon really was that reddish of a color as it rose.
  4. Moon rising this evening, on the horizon...
  5. Sounds like the bar scene for @ravensrule back in the day!
  6. Took these during, and just after, the severe thunderstorms that went through right around sunset. A couple are black and white.
  7. Thank you for the kind words! Glad you liked those! There are so many tulips I've seen around the Bethesda area, it's like I couldn't decide what to choose for taking photos!!!
  8. @mappy...TULIPS!!! (2nd one is in black/white)
  9. There won't be such a thing as "threads" in 21 years, as we currently know it! Well, other than the Panic Room, where the ageless Reaper @WxWatcher007 will still remain to guide us hapless souls, even well into his retirement by then!
  10. Thanks! It was interesting getting shots with the filter on because essentially everything but the sun was black (by design with a solar filter). Had to look up a bit on the flip-screen and zoom out to "find" the sun and then zoom in to the full 500mm on my lens and take the shots.
  11. Nope,no tracker or anything. I was outside through that time, about 2:00pm through 3:30pm and took many shots. Then yes, I post-processed them to get the same size image afterward and changed the white balance temp to make the sun a bit more yellow looking (through the filter it was almost white looking).
  12. Amazing shots from everyone here, those who were fortunate enough to be in the path of totality and those of us who were here locally in the DC metro area!!!
  13. I was just going to say...damn, dude, you got the diamond ring on that shot!!! Amazing!!
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