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Everything posted by the_other_guy

  1. No we arent. Too much potent heat early on this year. This is going to be a hot, humid summer
  2. Bring on the backdoor! 91F in Hastings. Too early for this shit
  3. And this is from a persistent on shore flow which moderates coastal and adjacent areas but does nothing for inland areas? Very interesting
  4. It is the depth of the warmth in the North Country that is amazing. Mountain Climates running 3-5 degrees above normal changes the whole dynamic for plants/animals etc.
  5. What gap are you talking about? Major line building and moving in fast for metro area
  6. To early for this garbage. Nice out at 7pm
  7. That’s not hard to do if the weekend prior has record warmth haha
  8. I believe it. I lived in Astoria from 11-15. In the summer I never lived any place hotter or more miserable in terms of humidity than Astoria. It was a stagnant fetid air that didn’t move at all. The night time was the worst.
  9. Dont get heat like that anymore! Wow! It is plays a great background in the book the Bronx is Burning
  10. Yeh I am with you. Cool and dry and lots of sprinkler time without much success with the grass seed. Glad mother nature is picking it up a bit
  11. It is the overnight lows. The cold overnight temps keep the the plants dormant longer than the city itself. The urban heat island is particularly effected by the moist air. I imagine that NYC will increasingly see longer growing seasons and increased sub-tropical plantings
  12. The posts from the city about spring are funny. Not even a leaf on a tree or a bud for a leaf in westchester with a stiff wind last night. If you told me it was still winter I would’ve believed you. Late leaf our coming this year
  13. This is April weather. What you’re looking for is not early April weather haha
  14. Yeah I didn’t hear a thing. and those storms were just sitting to the west of me. Fizzled out
  15. Some flakes in the air as I leave Newark airport Heavy snow falling near the New Jersey/ New York state line
  16. Just shut off the outdoor water again. That’s a first
  17. Given what the forecast looks like, I imagine 2022 will firmly be in the top 10.
  18. How close are we to warmest March? Have to be close at this point, right? This is endless warmth
  19. If you’re going to live in a climate like that you better have a ski slope nearby. Nice and cheap though!
  20. Very sad at the ski areas Great season coming to a quick end This sums up Belleayre today
  21. I made that same call Presidents week. with little variation here and there, it was a good call
  22. Very alarming that entire swaths of winter now get cancelled out with extended +10 type weather. It is the end of March, so no one cares…but a warm month is about to get a whole lot warmer
  23. 3 rounds of accumulating snow in 48 hours. Didnt happen all winter. Happened today. Ironic
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