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Everything posted by the_other_guy

  1. Yeah. This isnt the post of a professional. Peace out.Have a nice day man
  2. The problem is you lose credibility as a Real Live Professional when you harass members like you did to me yesterday. I love hearing what you guys think, but the public harassment I have witnessed and the many deletions I have received when I had a question about a post of yours puts you into the unprofessional (at least on this forum) category.
  3. Dude that was 3 weeks ago. Stop harassing me. Plain and simple Not to mention I have had numerous posts where I responded to you deleted by you or one of your friends. So get off the soap box and stop harassing another user. And get an Air Conditioner dude. It is 84 degrees in your house.
  4. They have to. Centigrade scale is less precise. Each degree is worth a lot more vs F
  5. What an active day! Another line approaching from the west.
  6. Lots of flooding in Westchester. I hope that was the last batch for the sake of my basement
  7. Northern suburbs (that didnt do well with pop up storms this weekend) are doing well with this front. Much needed in Westchester
  8. Wall of rain approaching the Shoreham/Wading River Line
  9. You still never told me what station you were referring to when you told me it was the warmest July ever on the 10th
  10. Last week when I said it was cool and dry like summers of “yesteryear” you told me that it wasnt. So what went bye bye??
  11. I cant even keep up with the bust calls…all for conflicting reasons. A scattered thunderstorm on a sort of hot day. Everyone breathe
  12. I said there’s a couple of days ago. It has been a long time since we’ve had a summer this dry.
  13. Foliage? Sorry, couldnt resist
  14. My nearest ASOS is having its warmest July ever thus far? Care to expand on that sir?
  15. But isnt it noteworthy that this summer: -Is fairly normal temp wise -Has low humidity -Has cool overnight temps? If the Abnormal Extreme has become expected, isnt its absence noteworthy? Im certainly talking about it thus far! 65F this morning in Westchester. The summer of yesteryear continues…:)
  16. I have to ask a silly question…it almost seems as if posters on this forum are rooting for extreme heat and humidity. Why? 73F, Low humidity. Beautiful evening.
  17. What would drive the change to a typical La Niña pattern though? Surely hasnt been present through now
  18. We havent been in a drought situation in a while…if that is where this is headed. 1995, right?
  19. What are rain chances tomorrow morning looking like?
  20. Been beautiful all day in Westchester. I knew enough not to bother with Long Island today! 85F at 4pm
  21. 49F in Lake Placid this morning
  22. Well the warm patterns usually win in this climate. But if this were November and I was looking for signs of the season ahead, I would say the core of the seasonal temps would be to our west and we would get shafted. Of course its June and all of our summers are Humid and Hot as of late so it will arrive eventually. But as I sit here with Montana-like summer temps on my back patio with all the windows open and no bugs…Im pretty happy with the current forecast. 69F at 9 pm
  23. 58F now. Stiff wind that is gusty. Many small branches down. Heat on for the kids. In Orlando all week…close to 100F. I will take this any day. Nice Fathers Day present haha
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