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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. and this is the anniversary of PD2 how appropriate!
  2. Jackpot zone. We're about 15 miles north of you and have 5-6 here
  3. hey what do you think of corporate psychopathy?  I know it's different from psychosis which is mental illness.  Here's an example:

    I was reading about PFOA and DuPont covering it up even though their own female employees who were pregnant gave birth to children with birth defects :(
    and they already had a viable substitute for it but it was expensive and they didn't want to use it

    and when they finally did get rid of it they dumped it into a toxic waste site near a water way and both cows and people that drank from water that came from there got very sick
    cows bled to death
    people passed out
  4. right it was great for about an hour around that time
  5. Months? Should they even be allowed to have their own grid and not have to obey federal regulations? We've had statewide outages across multiple states in the NE before and it never took more than 24 hours to get power back. The latest was in the summer of 2004
  6. yes. we dont usually have a mud season here (thank goodness). typically we go from our last snowfall to 70 and 80 degree sunny weather lol
  7. can we somehow go back before 1870 Ray? I've heard there were a few years where both NYC and PHL had 100" of snow and snowcover from November thru March
  8. yeah I mean we got a nice snow today but this really is a two day two low event
  9. our heaviest was up til 1 PM that was wonderful, nothing much after that
  10. Walt I thought the pattern was breaking down and we're supposed to have mild sunny weather next week?
  11. well more like Lynbrook/East Rockaway it was gorgeous when it was snowing heavily we had a mini white out for awhile between 12 and 1
  12. by the end of this storm it will reach 40- book it!
  13. 6 inches is what I've measured here, seems similar to other places in W Nassau and Queens. It was snowing hard to about 1 PM not much after that though
  14. and it would make light pollution worse wouldn't it? Bill Gates was on 60 Minutes talking about climate change with Anderson Cooper- what do you think of this?
  15. There's much more than ENSO that affects the climate. For one thing we have a record AO block this year, extremely long in duration.
  16. Wind mills aint the problem. Typical cost cutting measures and privatization is. The government of the state of Texas and its ignorance is the problem. The dirty fossil fuel industry did the same cost cutting and had the same breakdowns.
  17. This is an important consideration especially with past history when traffic on NYC gets shut down with even 4 inch snowfall that falls during one of the rush hour periods
  18. Right well personally I'd move Warning criteria over to 10" snowfalls and higher, especially since we no longer have Heavy Snow Warnings. We dont really consider an 8 incher a big snowstorm.
  19. I think I see Doctor Fauci there in the back of the party......
  20. I was there in the Poconos for the storm last year and it was amazing and we had snow squalls all day Saturday after a snowy Friday night! Found out back in Brooklyn and Long Island there was snow during the day on Saturday too!
  21. Thanks Don! And MPO if you could (it also helps our NW NJ residents who are near the border, the totals are very similar.
  22. I didn't know either....I had decided to cut and paste my posts to that thread I thought the + thing lost the post if you left the thread to go to a different one lol.
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