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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. NYC is going to get there soon enough. cold summers are for lazy people
  2. 1967 had a historically cold and snowy spring, after 1966 had a historically hot and dry summer.
  3. It's been saying it for multiple days.... LETS DO IT. If we're going to be hot it might as well be historic. We haven't had a 100 degree day in June in a few decades.
  4. Philly also had a 20 inch snowstorm in April wow.
  5. Nobody remembers 97 degrees, everyone remembers 104 degrees lol. I remember when I took tests how disappointed I was when I got 96-98....I was a perfectionist, 100 or bust.
  6. lol 43 at MPO? Are they going to get close to freezing tonight, Don?
  7. and a lot of people love high heat. a 70 degree day is just as boring as a baseball pitch thrown at 70 mph give me 100+ and low humidity thats perfect
  8. Lots of greenery, and trees and shrubs are highly effective carbon sinks
  9. Not really, heat is electric and one is kept at 50 when I am at the other one.
  10. Wow both my houses got over 2.5" and almost 3" Got wind gust reports too, Walt?
  11. We had that in 2010 and it felt really good. Trust me 100 and a 50 DP feels amazing, really good for your health and amazing weather to go running in! Once it gets over 110 it's not so good.....
  12. and the winds will be at gale force, they already are over here, I can hear them
  13. PD2? I wonder what happened over there in Jan 2016 and some of our other really windy snowstorms.
  14. why does this feel like winter all over again? lol I actually hear the wind whistling through the leaves
  15. we've had sleeping sickness here in these swamps....excuse me protected wetlands....
  16. all these bugs spread disease too, we've had malaria, etc., on Long Island
  17. We need to find some sort of artificial means to suck this excess humidity right out of the air. It's scientifically viable we just need to have the motivation to invent a large scale device that does this. If we can geoengineer Mars we should be able to geoengineer our own planet too. Waiting for nature to do its thing is just no longer an option.
  18. Dry heat is my favorite, less bugs and much easier to breathe.
  19. lol well the a/c got enough use last weekend should've made that your memorial day weekend.
  20. Yeah I think it's CO2, I just read the manual, I just wasn't sure why CO2 attracts them and how do they detect it?
  21. After June 6th it's supposed to be well over 90 and even approaching 100.
  22. Oh you remember that too- I think we got 2 feet of rain that month lol. Do you still think we'll heat up a lot after next week? I remember one of the models (GFS) showed temps approaching 100 after June 6th?
  23. Dont worry, after June 6th we'll be well into the 90s and maybe even approaching 100.
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