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Frog Town

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Everything posted by Frog Town

  1. Weird. Here in Toledo I'd say it's like 1% that doesn't were a mask. Actually, I was in Kroger just today and didn't see a single person without a mask. We have very different Governors though. DeWine has actually had a great balance.
  2. I think he’s talking about two months out of the year??
  3. Ohio and Michigan just set daily records.....on a Saturday.
  4. I feel that mortality rates are highly dependent on many variables, one being viral load. Viral load due to the Summer environment(High UV and RH) made for lots of mild symptom/asymptomatic cases. That is gonna change with this wave, in my opinion.
  5. Just remember that the current death numbers are from people that got sick a month ago when our numbers were around 40K a day. At 80K+ now, we'll see the affects of that around Thanksgiving. Hope this is wrong, but 2-3K a day is the consequence of what's happening now.
  6. We are definitely rounding the corner here in Ohio. Should be in the clear by Thanksgiving...... https://public.tableau.com/views/DailyOHCovidCases/Dashboard2?:increment_view_count=no&:embed=y&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=0&:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_link The denial of this is absurd,
  7. The more I hear about warm forecasts, especially from JB, the more I'll prepare for a Cold/Snowy Winter. Especially after last years fiasco. 13-14' was supposed to be a mild winter IRC... Clearly i'm a bit jaded after last years hype.
  8. The positive rate is more telling than the number testing positive. It won't matter if you test a thousand, or 30 thousand. Positivity rate is King
  9. I'm curious if its a trifecta of Treatment/Demographics/mutation in virulence??
  10. Most people I know that are out of a job are making more than they did before......and doing less.
  11. You know what we're all thinking right now...............Gonna be a crazy lake affect season! Is it too early??
  12. Anyone using the word "Fact" in a medical discussion needs some redirection.
  13. Looks like our Winter Forecast for the Great Lakes, lol. Just missed the forecast by a Season.
  14. The unforeseen ripple effects of this will be many, unfortunately
  15. anyone excited in SE MI/NW Ohio that most guidance came a bit south and juiced with tonights duster??
  16. This is a very accurate statement.
  17. If someone has a deadly disease, and they knowingly infect someone else, it's manslaughter. Lock em up if they threaten to infect others. Having an officer sit outside someones house is a wast of time and resources.
  18. OMG, I just had a revaluation. The GFS Model upgrade was so good, it was able to foresee the Virus coming and confused it for an epic Snow Season. All the Models saw this coming. They just got the micro physics mixed up.
  19. OMG, I just had a revaluation. The GFS Model upgrade was so good, it was able to foresee the Virus coming and confused it for an epic Snow Season. All the Models saw this coming. They just got the micro physics mixed up.
  20. Ok, my comment towards A-L-E-K wasn't meant to be mean. We are all weird as Chambana stated. The comment was directed towards his random post of "Remember Events" with no Context. That's it . I do appreciate all of you.
  21. Dude, you seem pretty smart, but man you are weird.
  22. Here in Toledo it's way under-performing and Radar is staying very broken with all bonus snows nil until the 850 low comes through this evening. Just can win, even when dealing with everyone's sloppy seconds.
  23. Mix of rain and snow currently in Toledo. Radar looking like we will stay in snow for the next 20 hours, albeit light to moderate for the most part. Too bad our antecedent conditions weren't colder, otherwise this would be much different. Felt bad saying that after what those out west have dealt with over the past 24 hours. Sorry guys.
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